One thing I've come to realize the most is that our inner demons aren't there to hurt us, they're there to hurt all the people that love us, they take them out one by one until it's just you and them and then they become you. I see it all around me, even in myself. So much darkness, so much anger, so much misunderstanding and all that does is bring those demons to life. They are awakened from hibernation by their surroundings, by the trauma, the environment, anxiety, bad relationships, and anything that is negative. You don't have to come from a broken home, you don't have to be abused as a child, and they don't just come out because of your childhood, I think that a lot of them probably stem from your childhood but they thrive more in your adulthood because you no longer have that innocence you had as a child to protect you. We are all born with the sense of wrong and right and the ability to be good or bad. It all comes down to a choice, a line drawn between the light and the darkness and once you cross that line you better distance yourself from everyone who cares about you because you've just become a ticking time bomb to all of them, but of course, it's too late for that cause that good part of you is now permanently in the passenger seat while your demons come to life.
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