IDE and Code Editing
IDE and Code Editing
3v4l - Free online PHP shell and snippet sharing site, runs your code in 300+ PHP versions
Android Studio—Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. Open Source IDE, free for everyone and the best to develop Android apps. Available for Windows,Mac,Linux and even ChromeOS!
Apache Netbeans—Development Environment, Tooling Platform and Application Framework.—Collaborative design API with instant API mock and generated documentation (Free for unlimited API blueprints and unlimited user with one admin account and hosted documentation).
Atom - Atom is a hackable text editor built on Electron.
Binder - Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks. It is a free, public service.
BlueJ—A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. Powered by Oracle & simple GUI to help beginners. - Spring Boot app generator with custom database and REST API.—Code snippet organizer with labels and support for 100+ programming languages.
Code::Blocks—Free Fortran & C/C++ IDE. Open Source and runs on Windows,macOS & Linux.—Coding Assistant that lets you search, define and reuse code snippets directly in your IDE. Free for individual and small organizations.—Simple code snippets manager with categories, search and tags. free and unlimited.—(formerly SageMathCloud at—Collaborative calculation in the cloud. Browser access to full Ubuntu with built-in collaboration and lots of free software for mathematics, science, data science, preinstalled: Python, LaTeX, Jupyter Notebooks, SageMath, scikitlearn, etc. - Visual Studio Code for CS50 is a web app at that adapts GitHub Codespaces for students and teachers.—CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web.—Online Playground for React, Vue, Angular, Preact and more. - Code components in isolation, visualize them in stories, test them and publish them on npm.
Eclipse Che - Web based and Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams with multi-language support. Open Source and community driven. A online instance hosted by Red Hat is available at—FakeJSON helps you quickly generate fake data using its API. Make an API request describing what you want and how you want it. The API returns it all in JSON. Speed up the go to market process for ideas and fake it till you make it.—Instant, ready-to-code dev environments for GitHub projects. Free for open source. goormIDE is full IDE on cloud. multi-language support, linux-based container via the fully-featured web-based terminal, port forwarding, custom url, real-time collaboration and chat, share link, Git/Subversion support. There are many more features (free tier includes 1GB RAM and 10GB Storage per container, 5 Container slot).
JDoodle—Online compiler and editor for more than 60 programming languages with a free plan for REST API code compiling up to 200 credits per day.—Productivity tools, IDEs and deploy tools (aka IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, etc). Free license for students, teachers, Open Source and user groups.—JS Bin is another playground and code sharing site of front end web (HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Also supports Markdown, Jade and Sass).—JS Fiddle is a playground and code sharing site of front end web, support collaboration as well.
JSONPlaceholder Some REST API endpoints that return some fake data in JSON format. The source code is also available if you would like to run the server locally.
Lazarus—Lazarus is a Delphi compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development.
micro-jaymock - Tiny API mocking microservice for generating fake JSON data.—Mockable is a simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web-services. This online service allows you to quickly define REST API or SOAP endpoints and have them return JSON or XML data.
mockaroo—Mockaroo lets you generate realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats. You can also create mocks for back-end API.
Mocklets - a HTTP-based mock API simulator, which helps simulate APIs for faster parallel development and more comprehensive testing, with lifetime free tier.
Paiza—Develop Web apps in Browser without having the need to setup anything. Free Plan offers 1 server with 24 hours lifetime and 4 hours running time per day with 2 CPU cores, 2 GB RAM and 1 GB storage.
Prepros - Prepros can compile Sass, Less, Stylus, Pug/Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript and TypeScript out of the box, reloads your browsers and makes it really easy to develop & test your websites so you can focus on making them perfect. You can also add your own tools with just a few clicks.
Replit—A cloud coding environment for various program languages.
SoloLearn—A cloud programming playground well-suited for running code snippets. Supports various programming languages. No registration required for running code but required when you need to save code on their platform. Also offers free courses for begginers and intermediate level coders.—Online/Cloud Code IDE to create, edit, & deploy fullstack apps. Support any popular NodeJs based frontend & backend frameworks. Shortlink to create new project:
Visual Studio Code - Code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Developed by Microsoft.
Visual Studio Community—Fully-featured IDE with thousands of extensions, cross-platform app development (Microsoft extensions available for download for iOS and Android), desktop, web and cloud development, multi-language support (C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, PHP and more).
VSCodium - Community-driven, without telemetry/tracking, and freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VSCode—Quantified self-metrics about your coding activity, using text editor plugins, limited plan for free.—In-browser IDE to code web components in isolation with 58 templates available, supporting stories and tests.
PHPSandbox—Online developement environment for PHP.
Last updated
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