My world and I are off to buy a toy
The Energy of Intention
In the previous chapter you were introduced to the principles of controlling reality. Now we are going to look at specific methods. The first essential condition without which Transurfing is totally impossible is that you must have good energy levels.
There are two kinds of energy, physiological energy and free energy. You feel the former as warmth and physical strength and it is released as a result of metabolism. To support your levels of physiological energy it is sufficient to eat well, rest, exercise and get fresh air.
Free energy originates in the cosmos flowing along energy channels and it manifests itself as vigour or vitality. This energy is the energy of intention which enables a person to feel capable of decisive action. If you slog every day when you only have enough strength to carry out routine activities and most importantly, if you are apathetic about life then this indicates that you have extremely low energy levels.
You could say that free energy is the same as life force. In youth the energy of intention is overflowing. Imagine an old lady with a sickly guise. She dodders and groans and you can tell that every movement is hard for her. Imagine then that she unexpectedly breaks into a run, take a skip and a jump and leaps into the air with a victorious shout of "Yes!" swiping the air with a sharp movement of the hand. It seems inconceivable and yet this is exactly what the old lady would want to do if her energy levels were increased sufficiently.
Why is it that a person produces their best creations in the first or second third of their life? It all comes down to the energy of intention. Yet if you maintain your energy at the right level you can create masterpieces at any age.
Life force and creative energy atrophies when a person ceases to strive. There are people who look upon the world with indifference. They know everything already; they have experienced everything and the feeling of satiety it gives them would seem to be to their liking. They see the world as a well-trodden path in an oft-visited park where nothing could ever surprise them any more. You can hear them in their indifferently-lazy voice lecturing others, and proving that they know it all. People like this age early. Never tire of looking at the world with wide open eyes and you will have more energy – such is its quality.
When a person no longer allows themselves to wonder at the world or to strive for new ideas, it is not only that their development comes to a halt, but a process of degradation sets in and they age. Life is a process. There can be forward and backward movement but there can be no stops along the way. In nature stops and total lack of movement just do not exist. Even a cliff transforms its appearance. In order to activate the energy of intention to have to "hitch" it with a goal.
Energy is ignited when you create dynamic action. It is like a feedback loop: dynamic action generates intention, intention ignites life force. If you remain apathetic and sit with your arms folded doing nothing try to set about doing something, anything and then energy will come to you. Sometimes all it takes is some kind of initial push to get you going.
You might think that you are low on energy and that you need to get some from somewhere. However, this is not the case. In reality you have mountains of energy because it comes from the cosmos and you can take as much as you can carry. The fact of the matter is that you have probably already taken as much as you could. Energy does not disappear so it is probably already being put to use. All its titanic power is spent on maintaining two kinds of burden.
First and foremost the burden is the limitations and obligations you have taken upon yourself. You agree to some kind of obligation and it is as if a heavy plummet is hung on you. Then you place certain conditions upon yourself and you carry another plummet. Then you promise yourself or someone else something and there comes the next one. How many plummets do you have round your neck? Whilst they are relatively few in number a person can go on. But one day there will come a time when the burden can no longer be lifted. Then there is a crisis. Pushed into a corner the person becomes ill, falls into depression or something tragic happens. They become tense and look at the world with fear and mistrust. As a result reality as a reflection of their thoughts begins to genuinely taken on ever gloomier shades. A difficult patch in one's life begins that can go on for a very long time.
The second type of burden consists of the load of excess potential. Ascribing excessive significance to various objects you encumber yourself with an immense burden. It becomes an unmanageable mountain of baggage. These are: the feeling of inferiority. I must be "cool", protect and consolidate my importance; the feeling of guilt and responsibility: I must work my service and fulfil my duty; exaggerating the complexity of problems: I have a huge amount of work to do as well as other doubts and concerns that constantly weigh you down.
A lot of people live like this, weighed down on all sides by all sorts of obligations, unfinished business, harsh conditions, plans and numerous goals. The goal will activate the energy of intention but only on the condition that it is realised and does not just hang at the project stage. There is nothing easier than planning a job, placing conditions on it and making promises. Take into account though that by pinning even the smallest obligation to yourself you hang a weight around your neck which draws on part of the energy of intention and you will have to go forward carrying this weight.
In addition, one of the main causes of low energy levels is the basic accumulation of toxins in the body. It is very simple. The energy channels narrow like an old pipe with a build up of scale as a result of which the energy flow is reduced to a small trickle.
This creates a deficit of free energy which causes various other problems including a poor physical condition, low levels of creativity, illness and everything associated with it.
What happens is that the greater portion of energy that squeezes through the narrow energy channels goes towards maintaining an entire garland of useless weights. The pitiful portion of energy that remains is your total reserve for vitality which gives you alertness, proactiveness, cheerfulness, optimism, the desire to have everything you want right now and the feeling that you can move mountains. Judging from their condition everyone can roughly make out what reserve of vitality they have left. You will not find many individuals who are "wealthy" in this regard.
So all your free energy is employed in a whole range of unrealised, potential intentions (plans), which only weigh you down. In order to free up resources you have to either get rid of a portion of the potential intentions or bring them into being.
Ask yourself, what is oppressing you? If you give it some thought you should be able to drop many weights without regret. You may feel that you really need many of these weighty trinkets and could not possibly get rid of them. Yet what is the point if you are continually carrying them around with you but cannot ever realise them? For example: I have to be better than everyone else; I must always be at my best; I will prove to others and myself what I am worth; I do not have any other choice than to continue walking the path I have chosen; only winning is an option otherwise I will not be able to respect myself any more; I cannot make a mistake, and so on and so forth, like giving up smoking, learning a foreign language and generally beginning a new life as of this Monday.
It is true, that everything that is endlessly put off until later is a useless load to carry. These things should either be eliminated from your list of brought into being, because they take up energy which it is just stupid to waste. For example, when a person is in the process of giving up a bad habit of some kind a double portion of energy is spent; on the one hand you still have to pay the pendulum interest on the loan and on the other hand you still have to carry the heavy burden of the obligation to drop the habit.
This kind of rigmarole can end up being drawn out for years. Forcing yourself to do something should be replaced with conviction. If you are going to give something up then do so with conviction and not because you feel that for some reason you have to. If you force yourself into a corner by volition you pump up the tension even more and this inevitably leads to a crisis. Therefore, it is more sensible to choose one means of the other: either decidedly realise your intention, or relieve yourself of the burden of the weight of obligation and channel the habit into a more manageable flow.
For example, rather than scrounging cigarettes or collecting cigarette butts it would be better to get yourself a decent pipe and purchase good-quality tobacco. Rather than doing a pub crawl or drinking in secret hiding round a corner it would be better to carry a presentable hip flask. Basically, this means building a partnership relationship with your creditor. As a result, the harmful vice will become more measured and manageable. The bank is more likely to give a respectable client preferential terms; to say nothing of the fact that the habit once set free is much less harmful than a habit you hate but cannot do anything about. Declaring your intention at this point will only make matters worse and of course, this is not an ideal solution. Before you turn a harmful habit into a civilised manner you need to have a good look at yourself and be honest with yourself about what you are doing.
Another type of burdensome weight would be studying, or rather cramming. When your intention is to fill your head with information you end up creating huge tension. In this case intention is not realised, it is simply pumped up with tension. And so even if I am repeating a truism it is worth repeating. There is no point in memorising information. It just ends up becoming more lifeless baggage that takes a disproportionate amount of energy to "load". Knowledge unlike data is only properly assimilated in action, through concrete examples of when an intention is realised. For example, if you are used to helping children with their lessons try the opposite approach. Let them explain the lesson to you and you will feel the difference straight away. It all comes down to the focus of intention: intention has to be redirected, so that passive intent is transformed into active intent. When this happens useless weights that require memorising will fall away instantly.
You might have one huge weight that you have secretly been thinking off dropping for a long time but have not yet been able to finally do it. Imagine how light and relieved you will feel if you drop it. Let yourself go. Give yourself more freedom. Compile a list of things that oppress you and take the weight from your shoulders. You will immediately free up reserves of the energy of intention which will enable you to go forward.
As we said before, a goal activates the energy of intention in the process of its realisation. It is best of course to find your own innermost goal. If you find it the problem of having a deficit of energy will no doubt no longer be an issue for the heart and mind will perk up and rush with enthusiasm towards their cherished dream. However, if at the present time you do not feel able to take action and conquer new heights there is no point in trying to determine your goal. In this case it is very probable that the pendulums will exploit your weakness and force their own goals upon you. In order to find your own goal you have to have a certain level of freedom above all from obligations to others and yourself. And to be successful you have to be able to free yourself from one final weight. You have to allow yourself not to have a personal goal for the time being. The search requires a certain amount of free energy and so achieving it should be your first priority.
There are three methods you can use to increase your energy levels: free up resources, exercise your energy channels and widen your meridians.
When you free up resources you get a tangible influx of strength. Whereas previously you gave energy to pendulums related for example to alcohol or tobacco, this energy will now be at your disposal. Previously you spent energy on stress and anxiety. Now this energy can be transformed into the resolve to act. Previously you spent energy on doubt and hesitation, tortured by the question of whether what you were doing was right or not. Now you decide what 'right' means for you. Previously energy went on worry and obligations related to a sense of guilt. Now this energy is free. Previously you were tormented by the need to confirm your significance. Now you allow yourself to live according to your own beliefs and you feel more at ease. Your previous outgoings have been transformed into income, into the energy of intention which will help you to create your own reality.
Earlier in Transurfing we talked about the fact that the energy of intention can be improved with exercise. Just as physical exercise develops the muscles achieving new goals increases your energy levels. However, when the main peaks are taken and life takes on a calm flow the energy of intention atrophies. This fall in energy level can be compensated for by doing energy exercises. As you may recall the principle lies in focusing the attention on the rising and descending currents whilst doing any physical exercise. If to this exercise you add visualising the process in which you play a slide in your mind's eye in which you see you reserve of the energy of intention increasing with every day the exercises will be even more effective. Once induced the energy of intention will increase of its own accord.
If you have exercised your energy levels intensely on one day, you can expect there to be consequences on the next. Do you think you will already have more energy? If only that were the case! On the contrary, you will be broken. If you restart physical exercise after a long break from training all your muscles ache the following day. It is the same when you exercise the energy of intention except that the next day it is not pain you feel but tiredness and a feeling of being downcast. This is nothing to worry about. It will soon pass and things will return to normal again. The important thing is to take a methodical approach. Tell yourself every day: My intention energy increases with every passing day". After a few sessions you will feel such a boost that you literally want to jump up and down and fly.
Finally, the most direct route to increasing your energy levels is to cleanse the body and shift to a diet of natural foods that have not been treated with heat. Why? This is a separate and far from superficial theme and we will come to it later. For the time being, for the sake of brevity I will introduce the following analogy. Energy flows through the body like water flows through a pipe. When the body is cleansed it is like when a pipe is clean and the water pressure is strong. It is quite natural and straightforward to cleanse the body and maintain it in that condition. You can also take another approach. You can clean the pipe with the aid of a high-pressured water source. This approach requires the practice of meditation. This approach is long and complex and so I suggest the simplest and most direct approach which involves physiological cleansing.
High energy levels bring a person to a state that is called inspiration. When you are inspired you are capable of generating ideas, coming up with innovative solutions and creating master pieces. A muse like a moth is always drawn towards the light. Scepticism and apathy are evidence of low energy levels. When you experience a deficit of energy you always look pessimistically at the world and this will instantly be streamed into physical reality. When you have high levels of vitality you transmit into the mirror of the world the image of a successful person and then success comes towards you without you having to chase it.
There is one more thing to add about inspiration. You may have noticed that inspiration sometimes behaves strangely. Sometimes there are peak moments when the impossible seems possible, but for some reason the enthusiasm quickly fades and is replaced with pragmatism. The fire of optimism burns out quickly and the former gloom of the grey world reigns in which ideas about to take flight begin once again to appear hopeless. What is the point of inspiration if all it does is build castles in the sky?
The answer is that what we have just described is not so much inspiration as euphoria. This condition is experienced when there is a sharp shift from low energy levels to high energy levels. Such a shift happens when strong stimulants are used or simply when some unusual piece of information excites the imagination. An anomalous burst of energy opens the conscious mind to sectors of the alternatives space that lie at a great distance from those that are currently realised materially. Theoretically, these alternatives can also become realised except that they are situated further from the stream of the alternatives flow and so their physical materialisation requites greater energy expenditure. It is for this same reason that ideas that seem brilliant in a dream fade upon waking. In dreaming the soul mostly flies into areas of the field that have very little in common with physical reality.
Genuinely real ideas are only born of the stable energy of intention. Equally they lie relatively close to the alternatives flow. In order for the conscious mind to go beyond the limits of the material world and touch on these ideas one either has to be endowed with a special gift or have consistently high energy levels. Hence one can easily compensate for a lack of talent in this area.
The benefit of the energy of intention is not limited to providing a person with high levels of vitality which enable them to act effectively in the material world. What is much more interesting than this is that the higher your energy level the faster your desires are manifest in physical reality. When the energy of the cosmos passes through the human body it is programmed by their thoughts and acquires ordered form. It is in exactly this way that a radio transmitter transforms electricity into a signal carrying specific information. Once it has received an informational structure, a person's energy can "illuminate" the corresponding sector in the alternatives space. As a result, the metaphysical potential reality is made manifest on the physical side of the dual mirror and the thought is realised materially.
Obviously, the greater the power of the emission, the more effective the process of materialisation. As you know from previous chapters the realisation of a thought does not take place instantaneously otherwise our life would be like a computer game in a world of total chaos. In order to form a reflection it is essential that there be a sharp image born of the unity of heart and mind or a relatively lengthy period of deliberately concentrating one's attention. Perhaps one day someone will invent a "materialiser" for the alternatives space, if of course God allows it. After all, artificial intelligence is still unattainable to us and so it should be for who knows how it would all end if it were not. The most important thing here is that we are capable of transforming our dreams into reality.
Having high energy levels do not necessarily mean using force. In order to effectively create the layer of your world you have to feel a sense of oneness with it and even identify yourself with it. You have to take a fresh look at your surrounding reality: I am master of my reality just as I ma master of my body. You have to enter into the same time patterns as reality and not expect instant change. You need to be calm, patient and focused on your goals.
It is easy for you to control your body for that is something you see as a matter of course. However some people lose this capacity as a result of certain illnesses. The body may make controlled movements or enter into a paralysed state becoming deaf to intention. When we are embarrassed it is also difficult for us to have total control over our bodies. For example, the hands of a person who is inhibited and shy often make uncontrolled movements. In this state there is no unity of heart and mind.
The relationship between a person and the layer of their world is much more difficult. People feel isolated from their surrounding reality. They feel as if the layer is somewhere outside of them, as if it too makes uncontrolled movements and the person can do nothing about it. Once a person begins to feel a sense of oneness with their world they acquire the ability to control it, just as they control their body.
This ability has totally atrophied but it can be restored. To do so you have to constantly pay attention to the circumstances that surround you, feel yourself to be part of this world, to be in context with it and look for what connects you with it. In other words, to be a separate particle of the world at the same time as dissolved within it.
I will not try and hide it. This is not an easy task. It is not something that can be taught. A person can only acquire a sense of oneness with the world by means of their everyday experience of life. And this path may turn out to be as long as life itself. So for those who do not find the idea of the painstaking practice of spiritual perfection attractive there are simple, accessible instructions.
The thing is that you do not always get what you want immediately. But whatever happens you get that which you have focused your intention on. For example, if you need to increase your muscle mass your attention should be focused on a slide which depicts your muscles growing. If you need to lose some weight all your thoughts should be about how your body is becoming leaner. If you goal is to increase your levels of the energy of intention then you must focus on your energy channels and energy body. And finally, if your intention is not directed towards anything, you will not get anything.
Doing exercise without a specific purpose is a waste of time and effort. When your attention is focused not on the goal but on the effort physiological energy is expended but that is all; for effort is a path to the goal, a means to an end. You will find yourself constantly on the path because the mirror simple reflects the content of the image.
Children are overflowing with energy but this energy is uncontrollable and is usually uselessly scattered into the atmosphere. In the same way, if a person develops their vitality to a high level but fails to give it a specific direction the energy will be equally as useless. A simple lamp can only light up the area immediately surrounding it whereas a narrowly focused laser beam will shine on a point many kilometres away. Therefore, if you want your energy to work for you it is essential that you focus it in the specific direction of a goal.
Purposefulness directs the energy of intention in a strictly determined direction. Concentration is essential and concentration means focus, not tension. The thought-mixer works automatically. Ideas are born and fade uncontrollably. Thoughts jump from one theme to another. The mind will restlessly "swing its legs" like a little child. In order to control reality you have to strive to keep your thoughts under control. It might feel a little awkward at first but with time it becomes a habit.
In order to develop this as a habit it is sufficient to follow one simple rule: teach yourself to think about the thing you are doing in the moment. Do not do anything just for the hell of it, swimming in an amorphous juice of uncontrollable thoughts. Proclaim a declaration of intention. This does not mean that you always have to be on your toes. You can let your mind drift as much as you want to but make it intentional, by principle: if my mind wanders it is only because I allow it to do so. In this way you can deliberately return to a state of concentration when it is required.
Essentially, the point is to make the image in your thoughts mostly contain the picture you would like to see reflected in the dual mirror. It is not necessary to remain in an ideal state of organic unity of heart and mind all the time to achieve your goal. It is enough to systematically focus your attention on the target slide. By controlling your train of thought you subject reality to your will.
It does not matter that your thoughts keep going out of control. The important thing is to acquire the habit of returning them to the stream of the target slide. When you have the habit of returning your thoughts again and again to the goal, the slide becomes a constant companion and its image will always be in the background in the context of all that happens to you. Have no doubt, the image will be formed and the mirror of the world will inevitably reflect it in reality.
Every individual has their own layer of the world. You could say that the reflective surface of the dual mirror is many-layered. Every living being has a mirror plate at their disposal from the moment they are born. The individual's thoughts and intentions construct an image which is reflected as a separate reality. The entirety of all realities are arranged in layers creating what we observe as physical reality.
In the case of man the layer is his habitat i.e. everything that surrounds him. Individual reality is created in two ways: physical and metaphysical. In other words, the individual creates the layer of his world by thought and action. It is difficult to judge which of these two aspects influences reality more. It is probable that thought forms play the leading role because they create a significant portion of the material problems a person spends a great deal of their time battling with. As you will now understand Transurfing deals exclusively with the metaphysical aspect of reality.
Every individual lives in a specific environment in which they are surrounded by a multitude of people and material objects. So how does one delineate a separate sphere of existence within this motley environment? It is very simple. If you out the material aspect of the environment to one side for a moment you are left with an essential quality that interests us above all: how are things going, well or badly? A person's surroundings may be abundant or poor, friendly or aggressive, comfortable or less so, but this is not important. What does have meaning is the extent to which that person is happy in these conditions, whether they receive what they strive for, and whether circumstances seem to unfold fortuitously. This quality of the layer, its hue, has the deciding influence on everything that happens in material reality.
A layer can have light and dim hues. It all depends how a person organises their forms of thought. The more negative their thinking the gloomier their particular reality will be. The worse things go the more resentment builds up, which due to the feedback chain causes the layer to darken even more. From this we conclude that your individual reality must be kept clean just like the body.
All negative thoughts must be decisively and sharply driven out so that they do not have time to ruin your world. Away with them! It is just the same as having to take the rubbish out or do the cleaning. You have to get rid of old junk, otherwise, however hard you try things will always go badly.
However, there is a certain kind of junk that is not that easy to eliminate from your world. This junk is feelings of guilt, inferiority complex, doubt, stress, fear, dissatisfaction, hostility and negative expectations. These are like our aches and pains that we would only be too glad to be rid of but we do not know how to. So you have to treat them. A remedy is available.
Image this scene: a person and their world set off in a magic bus to a place where dreams are transformed into reality. "So, my dear, here we are then, off to get you a toy". "That is great world!"
The happy journey seems most promising. Everything is going brilliantly. What else could you ask for? Yet the anxious mind is not used to it. The mind is always glancing to one side hoping to spot a problem. It is not possible for everything to be ok! "Hey! Stop the bus! Over there, the righteous that judge me, we should give them a lift so that I can make amends." "No, my sweet. That is nonsense!" "Please, we must, otherwise I will not have any peace". The bus stops, and a group of dubious looking types climb aboard and start complaining and making demands. "We are your judges!" they say.
Nothing can be done about them and so the bus drives onwards. Overall, the situation is not too bad but the person keeps fidgeting. "Look!", he tells the world, "look at those lovely people. Let us take them with us. They will set a good example for us". "I ask you, what would we want of extra passengers?"
The world makes weak attempts to protest but is forced to agree and the bus is filled with haughty individuals who make it quite plain in their manner that everyone else is below them. "We are your ideal!" Along the way Fear, Stress, Doubt and Negative expectations are all hitching a ride and of course, the person tries to rationalise the situation wisely: "Perhaps these are wise travellers who will give us direction and save us from getting lost?" "As you wish, my dear!" The world agrees and welcomes the clamouring public aboard. "We are your common sense!" they claim and continue with their common sense moaning to turn the journey into hell.
In addition to everything else the road is blocked by Displeasure, Blame and Aversion. The person really does not want to meet with them but the world is so accustomed to taking with it everything the mind gives it attention to. "We are your nightmare!" scream the unsavoury types as they burst through the doors.
By now the person would only be too pleased to get rid of his annoying companions but it is too late. The bus is overloaded and can drive no further. The manipulators, cardboard idols, hysterics, advisors and other vermin have ruined everything. But who is to blame? Why did they have to come along in the first place?
The most destructive type of all this junk is the feeling of guilt, whether the individual is conscious of the feeling or not. If you have noticed that the world punishes you and behaves as if it is mocking you or trying to undermine you then you have all the symptoms of the disease. Drive this infection out. Give it a good kick. The feeling of guilt is an unwanted and cocky guest who sinks into your armchair, puts their feet up on the table and starts to dictate their conditions. You are quite capable of throwing them out if you are conscious of the fact that this is within your power. Even if you are genuinely guilty of something you have the right only to have to ask for forgiveness once.
The feeling of guilt generates punishment in the most varied form, from tiny inconveniences to huge problems. You might just cut your finger or you might end up in some kind of accident. Outer intention will undoubtedly include some kind of punishment in the script. This is how the template worldview works: a misdeed is followed by retribution and the heart and mind are quite unanimous.
In addition, the feeling of guilt puts serious strain on polarisation. As a result, balanced forces bring all kinds of misfortune onto the head of the one who has recanted. The worst of these misfortunes is the manipulator, who will stick to you like a persistent fly. Manipulators have made of a fine art of inducing a feeling of guilt in their "clients". If a person has a tendency to absorb guilt and take it readily upon themselves, the manipulator will do everything it can to dump even more guilt on them.
Guilt complexes are seeded within us as early as childhood. Adults often use forbidden methods to force their charges to obey them. If a child spends a long time in the care of a typical manipulator a kind of microchip is firmly inserted into their vulnerable psyche in the form of an unconscious feeling of duty and obligation to make amends for some misdeed.
Having been successfully "programmed" the child is forced to bear a heavy cross and is a puppet in the hands of the manipulators all the time that the microchip remains in their subconscious. So, how can it be removed? You cannot suppress guilt, neither can it be got rid of just like that because it is too deeply instilled. The heart and mind have lived like this for a long time, eternally obliged to someone. Only a concrete course of action can draw a person out of this condition.
Specifically, they have to stop justifying themselves. This is a case where treating the illness eliminates the cause. You do not have to try and convince yourself that you do not owe anyone anything. Simply be mindful of your actions. This requires awareness. If previously you had the habit of apologising for the slightest reason now try to adopt a different habit: only explain your actions when it is absolutely necessary.
There really is no need to tell yourself that you are not beholden. It is ok for the feeling of guilt to be inside you but do not reveal it externally. Once the manipulators realise that they will not get the same output from you anymore they will leave you alone. Meanwhile the heart and mind will gradually get used to the new feeling: you do not justify yourself which means that must be right and consequently, your guilt simply does not exist anymore. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer reasons for your "atonement". So, thanks to the feedback chain external form tidies up inner content. The feeling of guilt disappears and with it various associated problems.
The inferiority complex is another illness from which practically everyone suffers to some degree. This baggage makes a person feel unworthy and incapable and this is then reflected in physical reality. Earlier on in the Transurfing materials we talked in detail about inner importance and the various kinds of problems that arise when a person actively strives to elevate their significance as a result of feeling flawed in some way. The paradox lies in the fact that a law applies here which is very similar to the principle of uncertainty in quantum physics: importance decreases equal to the extent that it is emphasised. The opposite is also true. A person who has no concern for their significance has it automatically.
The attempt to strengthen your position and emphasise your positive qualities is an illusion and a chase after the reflection around the mirror circle. But how do you prove to yourself that you are special and have no need to prove it? There is one more feedback chain by which the cause eliminates the effect. You have to consciously redirect your intention: rather than trying to prove yourself or show off you have to give up all attempts to increase your own significance. When a person manages to stop (and we all know that practically everyone in does this in their own way) the people around you intuitively sense that your significance does not need to be confirmed. And as this is so, people are more drawn to them and begin treating them with more respect. As a result the heart and mind are gradually penetrated with the conviction that "I am in fact worth something". There comes a moment when the mirror circle grinds to a halt, turns in the opposite direction and starts moving towards you. Self-esteem improves and it is as if there never was an inferiority complex at all.
Doubts, stress and fear also substantially ruin the picture of a person's individual world. Do not forget, that once these thoughts have been reflected in the mirror something will enter the layer of their world that is really worth fearing. But the greatest damage caused by anxiety is suffered by the goals one has set because as you may recall from the previous chapter anxiety transforms desire into longing.
The stronger desire flames like the fear before defeat, the more intense outer importance will be and the fewer the chances of success. Abandon any form of waiting that feels like longing otherwise you will not get anywhere. Intention is essential to the achievement of your goals and intention is free of doubt and emerges when simple "wanting" transitions to doing.
In order to dull the itch of impatience you need to have a safety net, a backup plan in case of failure as well as accept the idea of defeat at the onset. The question might arise as to how can you accept defeat beforehand if you are tormented by a desperate thirst to have what it yours? But you will see that when things do not work out, despair or perhaps anger will make you wave your hand at the result you had expected.
Despair can also help you eliminate inner importance i.e. painful feelings of self importance. If something is not working out for you and hits yours ambitions hard the feeling of hopelessness with make you give it all up and ditch your self importance like a dead weight. You will immediately feel better, free and light. Things will pick up at once.
Doubts in the successful completion of a project usually arise when the mind tries to work out the path and means to achieving the goal. In "Transurfing Reality" we have talked a lot about why there is no point in thinking about these things. You cannot know exactly how things will work out for the best. Your task is to concentrate your attention on the goal as if it had already been achieved and then outer intention will open the right doors at the right time.
Now that you know the rules relating to the use of the dual mirror you have nothing to worry about. The mirror principles constitute the most effective remedy for doubt and fear. Firstly, direct your intention towards maintaining the amalgam "my world takes care of me". Secondly, you must follow the last three of the mirror principles very precisely.
For example, you are planning to go to university and want to pass the selection procedure successfully. Prior to the examination you say to yourself: if I do fail the exam maybe that would be the best thing for me? Then you will be able to go into the exam feeling cheerful and relaxed. This is called accepting the possibility of failure and moving with the alternatives flow. You are doing what is required of you at the same time as being indifferent to the end result, or rather, being prepared to think of any outcome as successful.
There is no point in "pretending" you do not want to achieve the goal. Self-deception will not work. You have to not think about how the goal will be reached and not get caught up in the script. Your task is to do the work of visualising the slide and placing one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goal. The mind's control should be focused on following the mirror principles and not on the script.
What is the point in worrying if success awaits you in any case? It is for you to decide how you determine your relationship to the outcome, positively of negatively. We are all accustomed to relating to our setbacks negatively which is why we are all forced to submit to the rules of the game in which success in difficult to achieve by default. Instead, when you take an inappropriate step, name your failure a success. Then you will stand out from the crowd and your victory will be secured.
The feedback chain works here just as it does in the case of feelings of guilt and self-importance. By switching your attention from the mirror to the image and ceasing the chase after the reflection you stop the mirror circle. Then you do not have to believe in success or persuade yourself of anything. All that is needed is to refocus your intention on the observation of the mirror principles. Once their effect begins to kick in you will notice that reality is changing substantially. Your mind is convinced that the mirror really does work. Then you finally understand that the road to success is entirely different to how you had previously imagined. As a result the heart and mind are calmed; fear and doubt disappear and the mirror circle comes towards you.
The rest of the junk that has to be cleared from your world includes condemnation, dissatisfaction, aversion and negative expectations. As far as the first is concerned, you have to be clear about the fact that any form of criticism even if it is justified is extremely disadvantageous. Criticism is an extremely thankless task. In their attempt to restore the balance between good and bad balanced forces will do everything in their power to make sure that the accuser be the one to sit in the dock. They will never be a shortage of cause or reason. It is advisable to make any form of criticism on your part taboo.
As far as all other negative responses are concerned there is just one thing to say. By playing in the performance "my world does not suit me and I do not like my life" you shape and maintain specifically that kind of reality". Remind yourself again and again that you are standing in front of a mirror and that the amalgam and final three mirror principles can transform the layer of your world into a cosy little corner. Aside from this there is nothing more to be said.
Finally, if you feel bad at the moment, so bad that you have no strength to follow some set of principles, what should you start with? How can you straighten things out and get your reality back on track?
Sometimes life does become unbearable. It is like when an alcoholic sobers up and discovers that their life is bleak and harsh. We will take as a typical example how gloomy morning arrives after a great party the night before and you have to drag yourself to work. There are all sorts of problems after work parties. The fact that people find it difficult to get back into the rhythm of work is obvious but strangely, a similar thing happens to technical equipment too. Statistics show that more cars, computers and other appliances break down on a Monday than any other day in the week. So what is happening to reality?
This aspect of reality is created by people when their layers lie one on top of the other. During the hangover period people have to pay back the pendulum the "interest on the loan". When there is a deficit of free energy the thought form contains a large portion of negativity. This creates a collective tension at the workplace and nothing comes together. The mirror responds accordingly and reality is warped. If at home electrical appliances get out of sink it is not so tangible but in companies the combined warp effect leads to more noticeable consequences: accidents happen, machinery breaks down and complex and particularly precise technology works irregularly.
The thing is that if a person is suffering from depression or is in an altered state of awareness, the layer of their world is drawn into muddy areas of the alternatives space. Reality appears to be veiled in a haze. Everything about the surrounding environment remains in place; the conditions are the same as they were previously; the weather may even be fine and yet something oppressive hangs in the air. If you have not paid attention to the hues of reality on days like this before observe them in the future. You will feel as if the material world is staring at you with cold hostility. The quality of its layer has changed: "everything is going badly today". This quality is the cloudy haze and it has a very tangible impact on everything including technical equipment.
The onset of a bad patch in life comes either with physical ailments brought about by a deficit of free energy or from negative emotions that are experienced when our expectations are not fulfilled. To avoid letting cloudy areas into your reality it is essential that you increase your energy levels. When your vitality reaches the necessary level you no longer feel irritated. You must also do everything mentioned above about keeping the layer of your world clean.
But for now, if you are depressed you have to first straighten out your reality and lead the layer of your world out of the cloudy haze into a clear area of the alternatives space. How is this done?
There is one recipe for this and like all things of genius, it is very simple. What do you do when a child is crying? How do you comfort it? Words do not have any effect. You have to walk with it, show some care and attention. When you feel down it is the child in you crying. Take care of it. Despite the fact that many of you appear to be serious, respectable, imposing or cool etc we are essentially remain the child. "Push yourself on the merry-go" meaning, do a little of what you like doing most. Take some special time out to relax without thinking about problems that distress you. "My world and I am going for a walk". It will be time well spent because it is essential to clean your layer out. Much depends on this. Buy your favourite treat: "Eat, eat my love, get better". Devote the entire day to yourself and to your pleasures. Look after yourself and put yourself carefully to bed: "Go to sleep now, my dear. Your world will take care of everything".
There you have it. The next day if you are diligent and observe the mirror principles you will feel that the reality that surrounds you has begun to acquire warmer, softer hues. Your layer is coming out of the haze.
If you are observant you will be amazed at how real it all is. The material world that previously seemed stationary will begin to literally transform before your very eyes. The oppressive atmosphere will lighten, stopped clocks will start ticking again and people will be more drawn towards you. The way the gigantic dual mirror works is simply stunning. Reality moves unnoticeably in the alternatives space like the minute hand on a watch, but that does not mean it is not moving!
That is how you can "decorate" your reality. But that is not all. Would you like to do a full-blown renovation? Think back to what it was like in your childhood. All the colours were bright and vivid and life was wonderful and full of promise. You were happy, happy because the layer of your world like your body was fresh and clean. The world took care of you. True, you might not have valued it immensely but you did not have any particular complaints either. With time complaints and negativity in the image of your thoughts increased. As a result, the hues in your layer faded and life entered into a period where people started to say: "Those were the days…!"
This effect is described in the early materials of Transurfing as the generation shift. Time flies by. The past feels as if it were only yesterday and yet it was all such a long time ago. Age tenaciously and inevitably takes its toll. Hopes fade and the world begins to deteriorate. Surely the party is not coming to an end already?
No. There is still time to bring it all back, the former colours, the newness of feeling and the delights of hope. If you adhere to the mirror principles you will encounter an amazing phenomenon. The former freshness of the layer of your world will be restored. When you manage to straighten out the generation shift for yourself then you will feel fully what it really means to control your own reality.
Correcting the Mirror
Throughout history man has created all kinds of models for controlled reality from rock art to complex instruments and mechanisms. All these models share one feature in common. They are all subject to the inner intention of man. Being a product of pure reason, inner intention acts in a linear fashion according to the principle of "where I make a turn that is where I will go".
Man can only wilfully control the parts of reality he has made an attribute of the game. For example, you can control part of a river as a way of generating energy but as a whole the river will remain an independent component of uncontrolled reality.
You can make a donkey move with inner intention by applying force but it is impossible to make a donkey do anything it does not want to. Independent reality is subject only to outer intention which is born of the unity of heart and mind.
A person has two means of controlling reality. The first is to make attributes of objects in the surrounding world. These objects are then subject to inner intention. The second means is to work with outer intention and live in harmony with nature. These means represent two fundamentally opposed paths for the development of human civilization.
Contemporary society is developing along the lines of the first and least effective model. It is a path that will prove disastrous for the planet and mankind. Man can never totally tame nature and so we find ourselves in constant battle with the natural environment. One day we are polluting the environment, the next day we are trying to conserve it. In short, everything is done according to the same principle: transform everything into an attribute in order to subject it to the will of inner intention.
Untamed reality exists independently and acts like a mirror in that it reflects the human relationship to physical reality. But this is no ordinary mirror.
Let us suppose that a person wants the reflection in the mirror to turn to the right. Acting within the limits of inner intention the person tries to turn the reflection itself. Excess potential is created as a result and balanced forces turn the reflection in the opposite direction. The world does not respond because the mirror has become distorted.
The mirror of the world is distorted by the phenomenon of polarisation. As you may recall polarisation takes place for two reasons. The first is dependent relationships based on comparison, juxtaposition or stipulated conditions. For example: "I am good so you must be bad", or "You will be good if you acknowledge my superiority".
The second reason for polarisation to take place can be defined as "turning the screws". When a person tries to put pressure on the reflection with inner intention nothing happens. This makes the person think that they need to apply even more pressure and so with brute force they continue to push for what they want. Balanced forces eliminate polarisation through the collision of opposites. Consequently, the result turns out to be the exact opposite of the person's inner intention.
The mirror can be straightened out if polarisation is eliminated. This is quite simple just like straightening a bicycle wheel. The wheel bends in areas where the spokes are too tight. If the world will not obey and seems to act as if to spite you it is essential to determine what has caused polarisation to occur and then to relax the corresponding potential.
The Indigo children will help us understand these processes as they are extremely sensitive to excess potential. The Indigo child is characteristically independent and intuitive with a strong sense of their own individuality and high levels of awareness. These qualities develop as a reaction to the attempts of others to force them to conform and fit in to rigid social structures.
Every cell within the greater structure including the family unit strives to control children's behaviour making it as orderly as possible. To some extent this is necessary. But not to the extent that a child is made into an attribute of a game in which the main rule is: "You will do what I tell you to".
Obviously, this primitive type of approach can only create polarisation and it makes children uncontrollable like leaves swept up by the winds of balanced forces. The adults who are foolish and dissatisfied usually do whatever is within their power to turn the screws of discipline. In response the children either become even more wildly or become broken in spirit allowing themselves to be transformed into attributes – elements of the structure for whom "everything in life is correct but not ok".
Naturally no parent would want their child to become a social outcast. Yet the fate of the common screw is not be envied either. Many adults will confess that in their life they "did everything right but nothing good came of it" or "did many things wrong and nothing was right". Every parent wants things to be different for their own children and so in their efforts they ever more strongly cause polarisation, unyielding in their ignorance of what they are actually creating.
All inner intention of any tutor-ignoramus can be reduced to one idiotic formula: "I want the best for you with all my heart (with all my ill-conceived might) and so you will do what I tell you to".
Any problems associated with the upbringing of a child can be resolved by abandoning short-sighted inner intention and contemplating what might have caused the mirror to be warped.
Firstly, one has to determine where the opposite poles of polarisation are manifest. If the spokes on one side of the wheel are too tight then they should be released a little on the other side. The striving of the Indigo child to independence and refusal to accept discipline can be seen as the "loose spokes". What is making the spokes on the other side too tight? The tension comes from the pressure placed on Indigo children to submit to the will of the adults around them.
It turns out that orderliness can give rise to huge chaos. What happens if you keep turning the screws? The spokes elsewhere will become even looser and eventually something will break.
Obviously, in order to reduce the effect of polarisation the over-tightened spokes have to be loosened. How? Orderliness needs to be mixed with a dose of reasonable disorder. There are many ways of doing this. You can jump on the bed, thwack each other with pillows, howl or make strange sounds, push and shove, crawl around on all fours or think of other ways of getting up to mischief.
You could also lie in wait for someone in the family and jump on them. At the table it helps to smear jam on each other if there are no cakes to hand. Or in the summer if you are playing near water and find a muddy puddle then that is a treasure and you know what has to be done.
Generally speaking the more of this kind of "sensible" foolishness, the more obedient the child will be. The reason behind the paradox should be clear to you by now.
Orderliness can equally as successfully be broken with British humour in which seriousness is taken to the absurd. Cheerfulness like boredom is a reflection of the state of the soul. We have already mentioned that boredom of itself does not exist but just an eternal need to control reality. This need represents an inherent quality of the soul.
Why does the soul need to have fun? Probably because when you are having fun you feel good. Why do you feel good? Because humour and cheerfulness reduce importance. It is impossible to shape reality when excess potential is present that blocks the energy of intention and warps the mirror of the world.
If you make someone bend over backwards and tie them up will not their body feel discomfort? The soul feels exactly the same kind of discomfort when it is held squeezed into a vice of excess potential which is always there to some extent. The restless mind is always twisting the arm of the soul.
When fun reduces tension the soul is set free. That is why it is good when we are cheerful. We experience a feeling of inner comfort which is just as real as any physical sensation.
In principle the mirror can be corrected without the use of humour. If you are not inclined to fun and mischievous tricks by nature you can simply contemplate on where you can relax the wheel a little.
Any form of inevitable coercion should be diluted with freedom of choice. For example: "Do you want to wash the dishes or pop to the shops?" Even discipline can be transformed into a free display of will if it is based on conscious necessity.
When an adult dictates by the rule "you can't and do not answer back" backing it up with the argument "because…" then they are not an adult at all but a fool endowed with power. Would not it be better to discuss things as equals and model the situation according to the principle of "what will happen if…?"
Coercion distorts the mirror and so generates the opposite result. To reduce the effect of polarisation you have to reconsider your stance and shift from a demonstration of power to an attempt to win respect, and replace authoritarianism with trusting relationships.
Instead of using coercion it is better that a child desire to do whatever is being required of them. The necessary approach here is to think of a way of turning what is a burdensome duty for the child into something that increases their importance. Affirmation and consolidation of personal significance is a fundamental motivating factor for all people but children especially. The most appropriate method of interacting of children is described in the principles of Frailing set out earlier in Transurfing Reality.
Intuition is another quality that should be developed as a priority. In Indigo children the right hemisphere of the brain dominates. The education system however utilises the left hemisphere approach, the goal of which is far from developing skills and abilities. The system forces children learn the content of the lessons and then regularly report back.
In this approach it is predominantly the left hemisphere of the brain that works although the state is a passive one. The desire to fill up the mind with information generates an unambiguous response: "I do not want to!" Knowledge acquired in this way is useless. It is simply held by the memory in passive form like goods stored in a warehouse and very quickly loses its worth and is forgotten.
The established state of the education system could be easily corrected. All it would require is to focus the students' intention differently.
Firstly, the very roots of the teaching methodology would have to be changed from learning by heart to learning in practice. The brain would then work as it is supposed in its capacity as creator rather than as storage warehouse.
Secondly, the objective of teaching would have to be changed from reporting to teaching others. Yes, exactly. There are special schools set up in which the children literally teach each other, that is they alternately play the role of teacher and student. Children that attend schools of this kind brilliantly assimilate complex curriculums in record time and it is all down to the fact that intention has been set to be active. In passing school such as these are very few and far between and difficult to get into. You would think this innovative method could be implemented across the board since it has been proven to be one hundred percent effective. But no, not for anything!
The reason for this is that it is not in the interests of the structure. The structure does not need talent, great individuals or eccentric personalities. What it needs are reliably functioning components. That is why everything is fine and the education system is perfection itself! The system produces serviceable components and does it in the manner demanded by the structure – the world of pendulums.
Yet as we know, trees also grow on rocks and a genius will sometimes grow from the vice of common order. If you do not want your child to become an outstanding exception pressure them in the spirit of all the canons of the system. But if you genuinely desire your children the best when you are interacting with them constantly observe the level of polarisation taking place that warps the mirror and makes the child uncontrollable.
The Indigo children (now the majority of the younger generation) display many wonderful qualities, the most important of which is individuality. In the world of pendulums it is very difficult for children to preserve this quality. For this reason it is extremely important to always bear in mind the main rule of Transurfing: "Be yourself and allow others to be themselves".
The spokes should not be loosened too much either; all things in good measure. So where is the golden mean to be found? It is a matter of observing, figuring things out and applying the principle of correcting the mirror rather than blindly following your typical approach. It is within your power to assist children in becoming outstanding personalities. They will be capable of working out for themselves how to fit into the structure.
The Reality Maker
Up until now we have talked about how to transform your life into a conscious dream and the layer of your world into a cosy corner. The mirror principles have a tangible and yet a subtle impact on reality. Now you will be introduced to more powerful approaches.
The target slide is the central instrument of Transurfing, visualising a picture in which the goal has already been achieved. I will not repeat here all the ideas that were described in detail earlier on in the book. I will just remind you of a few key elements.
The slide should not be seen as an external moving picture. You have to be inside the events of your imagination: what you are doing, when the goal was achieved, what you are feeling, your immediate environment and anything else that is happening. When you place yourself at the centre of the slide you can imagine yourself with everything you strive for. This is not a technique. There are no strict rules that must be followed. Practice the slide approach in your own way. There is just one principle to keep in mind: you are standing in front of the mirror of the world and you are shaping an image in your thoughts of what you would like to have streamed into physical reality.
The target slide determines the vector of the alternatives flow. It you methodically turn the slide in your thoughts the flow of events and circumstances you encounter will be aimed towards the goal. You do not need to have a precise plan or know how it might be realised. There is no need to think about the means. The right doors will open at the right time – concrete paths and opportunities, and you will sot them. You must not place strict conditions on how the goal should be reached. Your task is to concentrate on the final result.
Aside from the target slide there is also the visualisation of the process also described in the early chapters. Once you are on the path towards your goal, have fathomed how it will be realised and are doing everything that necessary in the material world, the process can be accelerated through visualisation. The principle here is the following: everything is going extremely well and today I am doing everything better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. You could say that this is like working with the oar in harmony with the alternatives flow. As long as you hold the target slide in your thoughts you can be sure that circumstances are working towards achieving the goal even if it does not seem that way.
You can play the slide in your mind's eye as much and as often as you like but make sure you do it for at least half and hour each day if you genuinely intend to achieve the goal. There are several methods that can consolidate the effect of visualisation.
The first is the energy currents. The sector of the alternatives space is materialised via energy which passing through the human body is programmed by thought and transformed into the energy of intention. The more powerful the transmission of energy, the more powerful the effect. The force can be increased by concentrating one's attention on the energy currents. This involves imagining that from the centre of the body, somewhere in the area of the stomach or the solar plexus, two opposite arrows exit to the length of about one metre. Mentally turn the arrows simultaneously so that the front arrow points upwards and the rear arrow points downwards. "Turning the key" in this way activates the descending and rising currents. Imagine without putting too much effort into it that they flow along the spine in two opposite directions and reach out one into the sky and the other into the ground. Focusing your attention partly on the currents of energy launch the slide and play it to your heart's content. This exercise is best practices when you are on a walk in a quiet place when few people are around.
The next technique is called the frame. Think about what you would like to be doing when your goal is achieved and what would represent an integral part of the target slide, its indispensable attribute. You might be sitting by a fireplace in a rocking chair, standing at the helm of your personal yacht, planting roses in your garden or shaking hands with a business partner having sealed a successful deal. Imagine any characteristic fragment of the slide. Turn the picture in your thoughts several times. It should create a kind of integral impression, an instant mold of the slide, containing a flash image and accompanying feeling. This is the frame. For the sake of convenience you could give it a short heading. From time to time turn it on in your memory for an instant as you would turn on a light. Do this whenever it naturally occurs to you to do so, again, without applying too much effort. The frame represents another thread that connects you with the target sector of the alternatives space. The effectiveness of the frame can be embellished with the help of the so-called explosion wave.
Shape a frame or simply a picture in your thoughts that you would like to translate into reality. Immediately follow it by imagining that a sphere is expanding outwards from your body in all directions as if your energy field had suddenly exploded. The explosion wave can extend as far as you are able to imagine it. You can repeat this exercise several times until you are tired of it. So what is happening here? You create a mental image and send it out into the universe. You can be certain that your thought will not be lost without trace. You just have to bear in mind that the mirror works with a delay.
Another technique is the outer sphere. You may never have experienced your energy membrane or felt it expanding as it becomes subject to your imagination. This will be because your actions are motivated by inner intention. Now imagine a sphere surrounds you that does not belong to you. Imagine that the sphere draws you. You can feel that something outside of you is trying to stretch out your body. Somewhere within a radius of five to seven metres lies an invisible front. If you try and stretch it or squash it slightly it will show a springy resistance.
Now you will have felt the sphere more clearly. This is the borderline that connects you with the outside world. What is inside the sphere is yours and what is outside, the external, is not yours. At the same time you could say that the sphere belongs to you to the extent that you can feel it pulling you. Intention has been redirected. The proactive essence now lies on the outside rather than inside of you.
By way of analogy if you try and control an object with the power of inner intention such as by moving a pencil with your willpower it will not work. Instead try and imagine that the pencil draws you with invisible threads. It is by means of this connecting link that you can move the pencil. Likewise if you try and rise up into the air you will not take off and fly. Instead imagine the opposite happening as if the world itself is lifting you up into the air. You might have some success, if you manage to transform inner intention into outer intention. The point is to try and go beyond the point where "your will tries to make the world obey it" to "allowing the world to do it itself".
This is all quite complex, and yet for our purposes it does not have to be. It is enough to feel the presence of the outer membrane. Once you sense it do not lose that feeling. Partly focus your attention on it and then begin to play the target slide in your mind. The sphere will serve as a kind of antennae for the transmission of thought energy and this will substantially strengthen the efficiency of the slide.
Another technique is scenery reduction. Try and reduce all the thoughts that come into your mind to the common denominator of your goal. Ordinarily, even arbitrary thoughts arrange themselves in a logical order each one connected to the last. Complete the logical chain with a fragment of your target slide. Just remind yourself from time to time what you are striving towards. Whatever you find yourself thinking about, whatever you are doing, return your attention to the goal. Make a background image of your slide. Every event, every chunk of information should be perceived within the general context set by that image. Then you will shape the layer of your world more effectively and your intention will b e manifest in reality.
Your surrounding environment can also be brought into alignment with your expectations of the goal. You may be walking in the park and turning the target slide over in your mind in which you are working in the garden in front of your house. Look at the trees and the grass through the prism of your slide. You will feel the scene transforming, acquiring new hues. You might have the feeling that in a virtual sense you are already in that garden. This effect arises as a result of the slide being projected over the scene. Your attention is partly focused on the sector of the alternatives space where your future garden exists whilst your eyes perceive material reality of the present moment. What happens is a kind of transformation of current reality in the manner of the sector representing your goal. In these moments the process which involves the materialisation of your mental image acquires greater intensity.
You may recall how you felt in your childhood when things were relaxed and comfortable and the world took care of you. You were not conscious of it then. Things were just ok, and that was that. Yet with time you became increasingly demanding and likely to express your dissatisfaction and this caused the world to lose interest in you. What do you associate with this feeling of calm and cosiness you experienced as a child? You can make this association your key to scenery reduction around which you feel safe and secure. From time to time recall that carefree, happy setting and your world will again gradually become friendly and comfortable.
The final technique, one especially for the lazy, is the goal amalgam. The most important condition for visualisation to be successful is that you do not force yourself to practice it. If you find yourself putting pressure on yourself to turn the target slide in your mind because you are not getting any enjoyment out of it you will generate excess potential. Balanced forces will reduce your work to nil as a result. It is better in this case to abandon the burdensome task and pass it off onto the shoulders of your world. Ask you world to "carry you". Let your world take care of realising your choice.
Tell yourself: although the 'how' may be unbeknownst to me, everything will work its way through. In declaring this intention you program your world to let events spontaneously unfold in such a way that they will bring you closer to your goal. As a result you let go your grip and allow outer intention to realise the goal. Now you can relax and give yourself permission to simply enjoy the target slide. You are no longer obliged to work on it. The world is doing that for you. Whilst relaxing in the world's embrace do not forget to remind the world from time to time what you expect to receive from it. And of course, do not float in the clouds. Carry out whatever is required of you on the physical plane for the goal to be achieved.
Whatever technique you use always remember that you are not expressing a wish, you are expressing a firm intention and see the goal as an inevitable finale. If you cannot bring yourself to say, "I have", at the very least say, "I plan to have". In order to genuinely intend to receive your order you must take some concrete action that will confirm the seriousness of your intention. For example, if you want to get up in the morning at a certain time you might risk oversleeping. But if you set your alarm clock you are likely to wake up a few minutes before it goes off.
The point is to give focus to your intention. This is what you are doing every time you "touch wood" or "through salt over your left shoulder". Any folk custom that presupposes carrying out some kind of ritual will be based on this principle. For example, in ancient times, in order to hold on to the timid bird of happiness people used clover to help them. In a moment of good fortune a person would hold an object decorated with a clover leaf and in a moment of danger, the same. The triple-leafed clover was also considered a means of protection from evil forces.
The point here is not that a certain object is endowed with exceptional qualities which enable it to serve as a talisman. The magical power of any given object lies in one's relationship to it. When a person is filled with the belief that a talisman or ritual is capable of producing some kind of magic effect they will be giving focus to their intention. You can make up similar kinds of 'hooks' on which you can comfortably hang your intention. This approach however is as they say, "an acquired taste". Do you not necessarily have to make up magic rituals but you do need to take concrete steps that demonstrate that you are serious. For example, if you want to have your own house act as if you are about to move in any day: look through the advertisements and catalogues and choose furniture and household equipment in the shops. Right now, investigate everything associated with moving in. Giving focus to your intention is a very powerful thing.
The fact that there is a wide variety of techniques that can be used to strengthen the slide does not mean that one is necessarily more effective and another less so. You can choose to try out more than one technique at the same time or stick with just one. The criteria for your choice: the preferred technique for you personally should be the one you like the most and that you think works the best.
When you are applying these techniques in practice avoid going to extremes either being excessively diligent or sloppy. Some visualisation methods recommend carrying out the visualisation with enthusiasm and passion whereas others suggest shaping a thought and then letting it go into free flight or even forgetting about it there and then thereby not getting in the way of the realisation of the order. As you know the optimal approach is always the golden mean. Instead of racking your brains over where to find it adopt the following principle as a rule: however it works out is how it should be.
You are perfectly capable of developing the right methodology for you and practicing is successfully. The most important thing is that the heart and mind agree that you are taking appropriate action. You create your own reality like a reflection in a mirror. How you will stand in front of the mirror only you can decide. Create the layer of your world in a way that suits you. What do I mean by this?
You must not feel any inner discomfort when you are practising the visualisation technique. Outer intention appears only when there is unity of heart and mind. This unity cannot be achieved if you are forcing yourself to carry out a compulsory task. This will not get you anywhere and it will simply be a waste of time.
Visualisation of the target slide should be carried out in a way that most suits you, that you find comfortable and pleasant with the only limitation being that you must not look at the slide from the outside as if it were a static image; live inside of it, at least in a virtual sense. Imagine yourself living inside the slide, not external to it. Everything else should be done in the manner that most appeals to you.
The one thing you must not do is try too hard. Regularly, take pleasure from thoughts of your goal as if it had already been achieved. Surely you will enjoy thinking about the various consequences of your success? So do something nice for yourself. Do not turn it into a chore. When you think about something that gives you pleasure you are moving directly towards your goal and the knowledge that you are moving closer to it also gives you pleasure. You can be quite certain that if you manage to set up this vicious circle of pleasure the goal will inevitably be reached.
Success loves regularity the most. It might seem unlikely to you that you are capable of shaping your own reality that easily with the power of your thoughts. Yet have you ever tried even over the course of one month to systematically and consciously focus your thoughts on a goal? Probably not. You are used to letting your thoughts free flow. They become diffused into a formless mass in the atmosphere and so they produce no visible result. Only our worst expectations, the things that worry us and therefore occupy all our thoughts really come true.
Imagine this absurd scene that you had planted an apple tree and were seriously hoping that the tree would give fruit this instant. Because apples do not appear as you hoped you lose patience and leave waving your hand in despair while the apple tree wants to shout: "wait a bit longer, for goodness sake!" The same thing happens with the goals we set. Reality cannot be shaped with a single wish.
These are the main techniques for actively influencing reality. If you practice them you will come across a very curious phenomenon. Let us say that today you are inspired and practising visualisation with intense enthusiasm. The next day you notice that something unusual is happening to your reality. For example, throughout the day you meet several individuals with a very unusual appearance. They are either too tall, strangely dressed or ugly. You might notice that people are inexplicably irritable and that conflict are arising where there is no need, or that there is something strange about the day as if you were in dream.
This phenomenon can be explained in the following way. In the ordinary state of consciousness the layer of your world moves with the alternatives flow that is, in the stream of least energy expenditure. Intense visualisation causes the stream to be straightened so that it takes the most direct route to your goal. Narrowly-focused thought energy carries your individual reality into intermediate areas of the alternatives space which lie to the side of the normal flow and where everything functions at an optimal level. These are transit zones which we usually come across in dreams but which are rarely realised in reality because they involve unnatural scripts and scenery and require heightened energy expenditure.
The energy of your thoughts has amore forceful influence on your reality causing it to become deformed like the surface of water when the stillness is disturbed. You are no longer surprised by ripples in the water. Now you can expect to see something amazing – ripples in reality. This does not mean that the anomaly you observe is pure coincidence and that the fact that people are more irritable on these days is connected to magnetic storms or that sometimes you do just so happen to see characters with a strange appearance. An unusual reality bursts into the layer of your world when it passes transit zones. Ripples appear specifically after an intense visualisation practice. When you observe it you will understand. It makes quite an impression.
So, you can influence your reality with varying degrees of force depending on which technique you use. In principle the amalgam is sufficient to transform the layer of your world into a cosy corner. But you can achieve much more by initiating the intention of the Maker in unison with the other techniques described above.
For the sake of comparison image a scene in which two toddlers meet up: the world pushes one in a pushchair while the other takes its world by the hand. As children are given to doing the first proudly announces: "My world takes care of me!" The other retorts: "Well, my world and I are going for a walk!" Do you see the difference?
Finally, the last thing I would like to share is that I once received a letter from a reader in which she inadvertently expressed the main idea of the practice: "I do not really understand the Transurfing techniques but as I started to change my relationship to life I began to get the clear impression that everything was wonderful and would get even better; that everything was simply unfolding as it should".
If you are able to maintain this kind of integral feeling then you might as well forget about all kinds of techniques because this will be sufficient. Integrating intention expressed as "everything is wonderful and unfolding as it should" creates a general image of success which is then reflected in reality.
So, your potential is only limited by your intention. Make your own reality!
Coordinating the Dream
Everyone begins their life in a certain set of circumstances. I was born into poverty and I cannot climb out of it; I have to make the best of what I can get; I have to do what is expected of me. The situation hypnotises, grips the person so that they fall under the influence of the daydream that happens to them. All the while that the person is seeing the situation from within the dream it is all the more firmly consolidated in the world's mirror. A person who is caught by the power of their reality simultaneously maintains it. The poor get poorer and rich get richer.
You may recall that in the previous chapter we talked about the illusion of the dual mirror. It is focusing attention on the reflection that turns life into a subconscious daydream in which you are at the full mercy of circumstance. Reality will dominate you all the while that you spellbound and anxious watch what is happening in the mirror. In exactly the same way your attention is immersed when you watch a film on a screen only in life the immersion is considerably deeper. You are hypnotised by the reflection which literally pulls you after it into the mirror circle. How can you transform your existence from a subconscious into a conscious dream that you can control?
You need to understand one simple thing. In this world there is you and there is the mirror. Whilst your attention is focused on the reflection you are inside the mirror. Everything that happens inside the mirror happens independently of you. Your life is like a computer game in which someone else makes up the rules. Of course, you are granted attempts to influence what is happening there but you are deprived of what is essential: you cannot leave the game.
There is only one thing keeping you locked up and that is your attention. You are capable of quitting the mirror. Inside the mirror there is non-lucid dreaming. Outside the mirror there is lucid dreaming. It is the same reality on both sides of the mirror, for it is a dual mirror. But there in Mirror land you do not control reality; it controls you. Inside the mirror you are in the hands of illusion that the reflection can be altered by touching it; but that is only possible from this side of the mirror where inner intention becomes outer intention. To escape from the inside of the mirror to the outside you have to switch your attention from the reflection to the image. Once you are conscious of the fact that you are standing in front of a mirror you acquire the ability to shape reality to a mental image.
Having freed yourself from the illusion you have to observe the fifth principle and redirect your chain of thoughts from "do not want" to "what you want"; from "do not like" to "what you like", from illness to health, from means to end goal. If you were to observe your life for a while you would soon notice that at almost every step you end up having to accept circumstances and obey things you assume to be inevitable. You are used to perceiving the dream passively, as it is. At best you try to resist events, insisting on your own scripts and battling with the alternatives flow. All you really have to do though is change your relationship i.e. the image in front of the mirror. At this point you will cease to be prisoner to the game. It will start unfolding outside of you and in accordance with your will. Instead of being a chip you will become the one throwing the dice.
Now however a new rule comes into play: if you face what you consider to be an unlucky combination you have to accept it and declare it successful. If you do not want to remain inside the mirror you have no choice other than to follow this rule. It is not enough just to redirect your train of thought. You have to switch the mind's control from script development to dynamic, ongoing adjustment. You are the master of your world whilst you observe the sixth and seventh principles.
Normally the mind objects if impending events do not fit with its ideas of what should be happening next. Now it has to be the other way around. Every time the mind expresses its dissatisfaction about a deviation from the script you have to quickly come to your senses and readily accept the change: everything is going as it should.
The mind really struggles with the idea that at the beginning of the road, when everything remains unclear, there is still no need to worry about the means. The mind will constantly catch itself thinking about how the journey will possibly happen and picks over all sorts of negative scenarios. How one would like to tell the mind: "Just get it, idiot! It is none of your business! Your task is to focus your attention on the end goal!"
People prevent their own plans from being realised. When you make a wish the mind always makes a rough plan beforehand of how events will develop. This is the nature of the mind. When events do not fit with the scenario we feel that things are not working out whereas in fact everything is going as it should! Because the mind is accustomed to thinking in clichés and adopted thoughts patterns and does not want to make changes to its script, the person carries on according to the original plan and spoils everything.
The paradox is that no-one can ever know how events should develop in order to realise their order. If a person nonetheless insists that they do know, nothing will work out. Your dreams seem difficult to achieve because you are held in the grip of certain standards and simply will not let these dreams be realised. Your door is locked shut with stereotype locks.
Create the desired image – goal in your mind and then just place one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goal. Everything that happens to you is all for the sake of reaching the goal. Adopt the intention of the Maker: everything is going as it should because that is what I have decided. I manage my world in the way I see fit. I am no longer at the mercy of circumstance but neither do I try and control everything. By playing the target slide in my mind's eye it is not the circumstances I am shaping but an ultimate picture of the world I intend to live in. Attempts to influence events are the work of the mind's inner intention which tries to push for its own scenario. The mind has no way of knowing what awaits it on the path to the goal. Circumstances are created by outer intention and the alternatives flow. My task is to determine the vector of the flow, but what channel it takes does not concern me.
Imagine that you are woken up from your mirror daydream because something is happening. The events and scenery are all as they should be but you are seeing things differently as if you had escaped the flow of events and come to your senses in the middle of a huge spherical mirror. A gigantic kaleidoscope spins around you sparkling with the many facets of reality. You are a part of this reality and at the same time you exist separately and independently of it. It is the same kind of realisation of one's "separateness" that a person experiences when they wake up in a dream and understand that the dream now depends on them and not the other way around. In the mirror daydream everything is just the same, the only minor difference being that reality reacts more slowly. Once you get used to its slower gear you discover something quite wonderful. Reality is quite pliable and changes adapting to the image in your thoughts. What does this mean? Where are you?
You are now outside of this world. You have exited the mirror.
The Maker's Verdict
Now dear Reader you know everything you need to know to create your own reality. You cannot change the whole world but your individual reality is at your disposal. When you escape the illusion of the dual reflection and stand external to the world's mirror Eternity lies before with its limitless possibilities. There is not meant to be a single drop of artificial pathos in these words. The alternative space holds three truly invaluable gifts: your future which you are capable of materialising, sacred Knowledge which can transform you into a genius and something else that takes your breath away.
What this last thing is you will learn a little later. First we will talk about Knowledge. You might think that only certain outstanding minds have the answers to your questions and so you search for information in various sources and try to learn from someone else. This process can go on forever. You can spend your entire life interacting with enlightened individuals who supposedly know what you should do and how. But how do they know such things? Perhaps they became so knowledgeable by reading a huge number of books or perhaps, unlike you, they have a special talent? Neither is true.
Imagine that you have flown to Earth from a distant planet. Everything is different, unfamiliar, confusing. The people in your group have split up setting off in different directions. Each makes their own discovery. It turns out that you can gather mushrooms in the forest, you can swim in the sea and fish and in the mountains you can ski. All sorts of creatures inhabit the Earth, some of which are harmless and other will quite happily devour you.
In the same way, humanity is constantly discovering something new. The flow of knowledge is inexhaustible. However, those who do the inventing and the creating are very few; the rest watch with surprise. What made them think of it? They must be one of the chosen ones. So what makes a person "chosen"?
Their goals and doors are unique inherent to their unique path. When you walk your own path the treasures of the world are revealed to you. Then others look at you with amazement wondering how you did it. It is that simple.
The paradox lies in the fact that although this principle is superficially quite obvious the awareness of it remains obscure. Everyone can see that in order to reach new, previously unknown heights of success you have to step out of the rat race and set out on your own path and yet they continue to walk in the footsteps of others trying to repeat their experience.
I remember when I was little my parents took me to the forest for the first time. My mother and father found some wild mushrooms and joyfully announced their find to the entire forest. I on the other hand could not find a single one and wandered between them in despair naively thinking that if I just followed behind a grown-up good fortune would smile upon me, for they were finding the mushrooms so they obviously knew where to look. But my efforts were in vain. It was only when I set off independently in a different direction that I at last found a massive mushroom. My parents were green with envy and I swelled with pride, the great explorer.
In that moment I understood something but did not fully integrate it into my awareness. Later there were many occasions when the world showed me that if I turned off the beaten path and went my own way I would discover the treasure but again and again I would be drawn back into the general flow giving in to the herd instinct.
This is the difference between conscious knowledge and integrated awareness. You might suspect something to be true but that will not help. A huge abyss stands between suspecting something to be true and having articulate knowledge. The first unlike the second cannot serve as a guide for action and so has no practical value. In this regard Transurfing crosses all the t's and transforms a hunch into an articulate expression of knowledge describing what to do and how to do it.
Specifically, at some point you have to stop studying the old and start creating the new or rather, not even create but take from where all discoveries and masterpieces are found – from Eternity. In order to gain access to information stored in the alternatives space you have to lay a foundation of elementary knowledge concerning the area that interests you. Without a certain initial foundation you will not be able to attune to the corresponding sector of the alternatives space. In other words, tune into the data base. As soon as you have assimilated the initial stages you can forget what you have been taught. At that point you will be ready to make your own discoveries and create a new masterpiece.
Any book, picture or melody is "pulled out" of the alternatives space. You just have to "hook into" the sector. The hook for a melody might be two or three essential chords. For a picture it may be a mood; for a book, a situation. You do not necessarily have to think of a plot in order to write a book. It will come to you later. The entire plot will emerge from the situation if you can pacify the presumptuous mind and allow the characters to extricate themselves from the scene. There is no need to make things up. It is all already there. You just have to calmly follow the alternatives flow. All genius is surprisingly simple. The alternatives flow follows the same unexpectedly simple path which people generally would not be capable of guessing at.
Even computer programmes and technical equipment can be designed in this way without a particular plan working from a certain starting point. Of course, in some instances a project plan is essential but where this is not the case at least in separate areas you should go with the alternatives flow and allow the concept to grow independently. In its attempt to plan everything beforehand the mind complicates things with an elaborate construct. The alternatives flow will always come up with the most elegant and optimal solution which will leave you amazed. How could things have worked out so well without a meticulously designed blueprint?
Overall it is better not to try and dream things up but simply to carry out the task methodically moving from the beginning to the end. In any project the idea serves as the starting point. This is the most important thing. The alternatives flow will complete everything else. You do not have to come up with an idea either. So where does the idea come from? It all comes from the same place. All brilliant conjectures exist in Eternity and come to the mind via the route of the soul. The mind's task is not to come up with an idea but to recognize it when it hits you. And it definitely will if you step away from the crowd and walk your own path obeying the dictates of the heart.
The heart has direct access to the alternatives space whereas the mind detects subtle notions and insights and works on interpreting them. Reason does not know – the heart knows. All you have to do is listen to it. You can totally rely on this seemingly superficial statement. The problem here once again is that people have a vague understanding of this rather than a clear awareness of the principle. Everyone seems to agree that the heart basically knows everything but nobody takes it seriously. People pass it by assuming it to be a metaphor and attribute it no meaning. Common sense reasons: "Of course there is insight, the inner voice and intuition but these are all shaky, intangible and unreliable. Now iron logic is a different matter entirely based on indisputable facts".
So if you have basic information of a given field the heart can attune to the corresponding area of the alternatives space and source new Knowledge from there that cannot be read in any book. Ask yourself a question. Express it clearly and then forget about it for a while. Within a few days the answer will come to you. If it does not, ask the question again from time to time. The answer may come to you over the next few months but it will definitely come to you.
It is all just a matter of whether you have enough resolve to break the established stereotypes, free yourself from the hold of conventional norms and break the pendulum rule. It requires having the audacity to exercise your own right to Knowledge so that you stop seeking answers in books written by others. You just have to change the focus of intention from being given to creating. How are you different from the authors of the books you are reading? Only in that they changed their intention focus, stopped searching and started creating. They escaped being tied to the opinions of acknowledged authorities and had the courage to set out on their own path. You too can claim your right to be the one who knows.
That brings us to what I meant by the third gift that awaits you in the alternatives space.
Try and imagine how a person feels when they are in the role of the superstar. Their fans see only what lies on the surface, their shining talent, the gloss of fame and wealth. It all creates the impression that this person is no mere mortal but endowed with exceptional qualities. Is it even possible for the average person to rise to the very peaks of success and hold themselves with sufficient confidence that no-one would ever dare doubt their exclusivity?
However, for the chosen one all their attributes of fame seem quite ordinary, even mundane. These individuals hardly see themselves as an inhabitant of Mount Olympus because at the end of the day they know that they are one of many other like them. So what is the difference? What separates a country girl from a star of show business, a shaky student from a luminary in the world of science and the average person from the chosen one?
It is a matter of just a single step. One type claims their right and the other type cannot bring themselves to or does not believe they are capable or worthy of it. In the minds of the timid their sits a firmly rooted notion that in this world the chosen ones exist because they have been chosen by all the others by virtue of their exceptional qualities. In reality this idea is a false stereotype. The chosen ones chose themselves. Only later because of this did anyone else pay them any attention.
Assert your right to be a chosen one. From this moment onwards I have chosen myself. You do not have this right because you are worthy or capable. You have this right, because it is your birthright. The alternatives space contains everything including the most important thing intended for you personally – the verdict that you have this right. This is your ticket to Eternity and sanction for your privilege to be Maker of your own reality.
Your entire life you have been taught how you are expected to be, how you should behave, what you should revere and strive for. Now claim your lawful right to establish your own cannons. It is for you to decide what is right for you and what is not because only you can shape the layer of your world. You are quite justified in considering something to be correct that others consider false if it does not harm anyone else. When you use your privilege in life to deliver your own verdict, you can remain true to your own credo.
There are as many opinions in life as there are people. Some insist that something is "black" and others will claim "white!" Who should you believe? As you may recall, the world is a mirror that agrees with anyone who dares deliver their own verdict. You however are no mirror! You are either the one who accepts other people's verdicts or you are the Maker who delivers their own verdicts. When you realise this the question of which truth you should consider the only one truth, and whose side you should be on, the "blacks" or the "whites" ceases to be relevant. Now you can determine your own truth: I have decided this to be true because I am the Maker of my own reality. And it will work because you have the alternatives space and the dual mirror at your disposal, everything you need to stream your plans into physical reality.
It is really that's simple, is not it? The only condition is that you absolutely must have the temerity to assert your right. If you experience doubt or pangs of conscience your verdict loses its power and you go from being the lawmaker to the accused. When you doubt you do the wrong thing regardless. It is not a mater of how appropriate your thinking and actions are, but the extent to which you are confident you are right. This needs to be integrated fully into your awareness so that the heart and mind merge into one. You already have the explanation. All that remains is to turn familiarity into true knowledge. How? Through experience; act and become convinced of it.
You must not let the will of the Maker become the dictate of the mind. The verdict only have any power when the heart and mind are one. Anyone who fails to listen to the voice of the heart is not 'making', they are 'making mistakes'. Everywhere you go you see people doing things badly. For example there are people who have no voice, no ear for music and yet love to sing. Sometimes you come across blatant ineptitude and yet the individual is convinced they are a star even though success eludes them. Why does not their verdict work? Because in their heart they know that they are no good at what they are ding. The mind cannot accept the truth and so tries as hard as it can to prove the opposite. There are no totally incompetent people as such. These are just people who have not found their true talent and are walking someone else's path.
The third gift offers many advantages. The right to declare your own verdict represents freedom from oppressive circumstances and everything that places a shadow over your life or creates obstacles on your path. It will help you acquire a quiet confidence. My world takes care of me and I am strong enough to allow myself the weakness of accepting the attention.
From the moment you claim the right to declare your own verdict on what is good and bad, or right and wrong for your world you can eliminate any judgement imposed on your from the outside including anything connected with Transurfing itself, as long as you do not give in to guilt, indecision or pangs of conscience, and as long as your verdict does not cause anyone any harm.
That brings me to my final point. The alternatives space contains everything and everything that you wish for with heart and mind is yours. You should be aware however, that a Gatekeeper stands at the threshold to Eternity, an absolute law that guards access to everything to be found there. This implacable guard only permits access to those who have the boldness to assert their right as Maker. Your verdict is your entrance pass: I am capable and worthy because I have decided it is so. I do not want or hope, I intend. Claim your right and the Gatekeeper will open the gates of Eternity before you.
Accumulation of toxins in the body, excess potential and unrealised intention reduces your energy levels.
In order to free up energy reserves you have to either let go of some of your potential intentions or stream them into reality.
In order for the energy to work you have to concentrate on the end goal.
Concentration is not tension, it is focus.
Teach yourself to think about what you are actually doing in the moment.
Systematically focusing your attention on the target slide is essential.
Stop justifying yourself.
Stop trying to prove how important you are.
Maintain the amalgam and follow the mirror principles.
To reduce the effect of polarisation you have to release the over-tightened spokes.
Techniques for shaping your own reality include: the target slide, visualising the process, energy channels, the frame, the explosion wave, outer sphere, scenery reduction, target amalgam, focusing intention and integration.
The preferred approach for you personally should be the one you find works the best.
Do everything in the way that feels most comfortable.
Regular practice is the most important condition for success.
You have to escape from the mirror.
Once you have a foundation of knowledge you can change the focus of your intention from "receive" to "create".
You do not have to come up with ideas; just recognise them when they hit you.
Departing from your starting point go with the alternatives flow.
Claim your right to be right.
Leave the crowd and deliver your verdict; assert the right of the Maker.
I have taken this decision because I am the Maker of my own reality.
Last updated