BetterDiscord - Pimp Discord with better Themes and add some nice Plugins/Scripts.
Discord Channel scraper - Scrapes an arbitrary number of lines from a Discord channel.
Discord WarezBot - Public Version of Discord bot for scene release.
Discord notifications 1: Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr - A short tutorial to work with Sonarr which notificatesDiscord Users about new releases.
Discord toolkit - Discord batch account creator.
DiscordCrypt - Encrypt Discord - there is also Simple DiscordCrypt - which works with the Web version of Discord (both are not compatible to each another!).
Do Not Track for Discord - A plugin for BetterDiscord to prevent Discord tracking.
Running a full deletion - Powerful script to delete full Discord message history.
cache-monkey - Cachemonkey, for viewing images stored in the discord cache, works for recovering images that were loaded by the discord client but were deleted. It also has a feature to purge the cache too.
Discord Clients
EnhancedDiscord - A lightweight Discord client mod.
Quarrel - A UWP discord client for Windows 10.
PowerCord - A lightweight discordapp client mod focused on simplicity and performance.
Ripcord - A closed source no tracking or analytics Discord client (without electron framework part).
Discord servers
Freemediaheckyeah - The official FreeMediaHeckYeah Discord server.
Snahp.it - Official Discord server for snahp.it.
f/MEGAlinks - Official f/MEGAlinks Discord server.
/hbg/ Homebrew General - A Discord server that shares newer Nintendo Switch Games.
r/PkgLinks - Reddup game sharing Discord Server.
r/soccerstreams - Official Discord server for the recently-killed /r/soccerstreams subreddit.
9YearOldPirates - Official Discord server for the 9YearOldPirates relaese group.
AniméGlare - Official AniméGlare Discord channel.
AniméVibe - Official AniméVibe Discord channel.
APK'S 2 Day - This is a discord server that acts as a hub for numerous streaming apps.
ApolloTV - The official ApolloTV Discord server.
DoujinStyle - Discord server with Doujin related materials. Things such as Japanese doujin music & games.
DreamTV - A Discord server for the official DreamTV Android app.
legal acquisition club - A piracy server to discuss and share movies, tv and apps.
Morph TV (Morpheus Fork) - Morph TV (Morpheus Fork) - official Discord server.
PlayStation Homebrew - Home of /r/ps3homebrew and /r/ps4homebrew.
The Eye - Official Discord server for The-Eye.eu.
The Ratio - A community of seedbox enthusiasts. Buying advice, application setup, and automation help.
WarezNX - Nintendo Switch Warez community server.
KissCommunity Discord - Community based Discord server.
TopNow.se - Provides Movies, TV shows and Anime.
Last updated
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