The Eye /public/AudioBooks - A few publicly accessible audiobooks hosted by The Eye.
AAXtoMP3 - Convert Audible's .aax filetype to MP3, FLAC, M4A, or OPUS.
AudioBookBay (ABB) - Download unabridged audiobook for free or share your audio books, safe, fast and high quality. - Mirror.
AudioBooks.Cloud - DDL links to a lot of audiobooks.
AudiobookReviews - Yet another audiobook direct download site.
BookFI - The largest ebook library.
Booksonic - Booksonic is a server and an app for streaming your audiobooks to any pc or android phone.
Ebooks Shares - A lot of eBooks & audiobooks!.
MyAnonyMouse - Community sharing for Audiobooks & more.
P2PEiite - Yet another oldschool eBook website.
ThePirateBay - Collection of audiobooks on ThePirateBay.
Tokybook - Yet another free audiobook streaming site.
Last updated
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