NekogramX - NekogramX is an unofficial FOSS telegram app with a focus on speed and security. Adds some extra (privacy) features to official Telegram app.
Telegram proxy - Telegram unblock proxy for countries with Telegram banned.
Tools & Scripts
Be careful using bots on telegram - Wired article about Telegram Bots and encryption.
Manybot - Create your own telegram bot without coding skills.
Overview of Telegram Bots - There are many Telegram bots, but here are only the best.
TelegramBotsList - A list of Telegram bots with open source code in alphabetical order.
Telegram XP Bot - Block spam + XP leaderboard for Telegram.
Telegram CrackWatch tracker Bot - Tracks CrackWatch website.
chatter - Internet monitoring osint telegram bot for windows.
smart-tv-telegram - Stream movies from telegram to smart tv over http using upnp and dlna (and chromecast).
aria-telegram-mirror-bot - A Telegram bot to download files via HTTP(S)/BitTorrent and upload them to Google Drive.
python-aria-mirror-bot - A telegram bot for all your mirror needs.
ppmusicbot - Spotify playlist bot - Telegram bot which adds all linked Spotify track links to a shared playlist.
Userge - Userge is a Powerful , Pluggable Telegram UserBot written in Python using Pyrogram.
Butter Bot - Butter Bot supports various unique features like log protection.
Rclone-Telegram-Bot - This is Rclone Bot in Telegram made for your ease.
Nana-Remix - Dual-Session Powerful Telegram Userbot with many useful features written in Python using pure Pyrogram.
matterbridge - Bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, steam, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams and more with REST API (mattermost not required!)
TediCross - Bot which bridges Telegram chats with Discord channels.
teleirc - Go implementation of a Telegram <=> IRC bridge for use with any IRC channel and Telegram group.
Transferbot - Bot that transfers Messages from Telegram to Discord and back.
Discussion Channels
Telegram Channels - A telegram channel indexer with over 1500 channels.
@piratebazaar - Telegram Channel to request warez information, lists, software & more.
original313 - Gaming and Software based accounts for sale.
evileaks - official Telegram channel.
丂ㄥ乃ㄖㄒ丂 ✪ 丂乇乇 ᗪ 乃ㄖ乂 - Seedbox fans have a home here.
slbotsbugs - TeamDrive, Bot discussion place.
FontesPremiumGwD - A channel to share premium fonts.
Piracy Links Portal - Official invite links portal for piracy groups & channels.
Accounts Channels
@piratechannel - Free Netflix, Spotify & Other Premium Accounts, Window & Other Software License Keys.
esetkey_everyday - Get fresh Nod keys almost everyday.
keysnod32 - Free Eset Nod32 keys daily.
radwan1998 - VPN and login data.
vpnusername - Free NordVPN leech account logins. Sometimes other VPN services too.
courses ant tutorials Channels
@udemyfree4u - This Is The No. 1 Biggest Channel In Telegram Which Provides Paid Udemy Courses For Free, daily updated.
Free Udemy Courses - We provide paid premium online courses for free!.
@freexonlinexcourse - Free udemy courses.
Udemy deals - Free udemy courses.
udemydeals - Free udemy courses!
APK Channels
@ModdedCentral - Patched & modded android apps, updated regularly, 50+ shared daily. Request group currently closed.
APK4free - Cracked Android apps.
APKs Apps - Patched & modded android apps, updated daily.
dastras - (IR) - Modded Android apks.
InstaMod - Regularly updated & feature rich modified Instagram app (Android only).
Premium APKs Only - Patched / modded android apps, updated daily.
Music Channels
@DeezerMusicBot - Music bot which downloads tracks from Deezer.
@flacaudio -
- Arabish flac music.@flacmu5ic - This channel is maded 4 listening the best music from whole world.
@flacmusicalbumfree - FLAC Music and Albums for Free.
@flacmusics - FLAC Music (Lossless) - (Hi-Res).
@FLACSong - Lossless music, various albums, songs and artists.
@Flacssongss - Other Than Indian Language Songs Will Be Posted here.
@HDaudio - High Definition Audio, 24 bit 48 kHz and up.
@highreschannell - High resolution music!.
@indianflacsongs -
- Flac Songs Of Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada & Many Other Languages Will Be Posted Here.@JioDLBot - Search and Download Music inside Telegram.
@lastfmrobot - Share lastFM scrobbles, artist collage and music compatibility scores.
@losslessaudio - Lossless Audio (FLAC, ALAC, APE).
@LosslessHive - Collection of various Hi-Res Audio Files in FLAC Format. Use the Search Feature to look up for your favorite songs. Also you will find multiple versions of a single song- that means download the largest file to get better Quality (Vinyls).
@losslessmusicmenu -
- Russian music channel for quality music.@MusicHuntersBot - Another large music downloader bot for Telegram.
@musicshark -
- Russian and other Flac Music.@SMLoadrCommunity - Telegram community for SMLoadr.
@The_Trimmer_bot - Send th bot a streamable link or telegram video and he cuts it.
@vkmusic_bot - Find and download pretty much any song (uses vkmusic search engine).
Full Music Albums - A large collection of music albums, directly downloadable in Telegram, updated daily!.
Melodic Musics - A large collection of music, downloadable within Telegram.
Music Archive - A large collection of music, downloadable within Telegram.
Movies & TV shows Channels
@beyondHD - HD movies shared from the community to the community.
@iMediaShare - Provides links to Movies, TV shows, apps & and more.
@intermedia - Channel for movies.
@Moviezworldz - Official Moviezworldz channel.
netflixonline - Daily new Netflix episodes.
@offstream_media - TV Shows, Movies and more!.
@Qualitymovies - Lots of 720p Blu-Ray movie releases.
@RickyChristanto - Movie releases channel provides usually stuff from YTS.
Antrips - Anthrapper's Encoding Library.
gdrivemovielink - Google drive movies linked into Telegram.
hamil_movies - CT movies Family provides links to movies directly in Telegram.
TV Updates - A large collection of TV shows, downloadable in Telegram, updated daily!.
Netflix_originals - Daily new Netflix episodes.
@movies_inc - Another Telegram channel for downloading movies.
Software Channels
Adobe CRack channel - A channel for all Adobe cracks.
AIOSetup - Wide range of pre-cracked software, downloadable in Telegram.
candroidsoftware - Freee APK's and software.
CGPersia Downloads - Free ripped courses from Udemy, Skillshare and other educational websites.
crackedpcsoftwares - PC, mobile and other applications sharing.
Keygen Fortress - Wide range of keygens for various apps, downloadable in Telegram.
Raymond's Piracy Group - A group of 7000+ pirates chatting.
Piracy • Main Discussion - Intended to be the main chat for all piracy discussion at Raymond's Piracy Group, but very inactive.
Piracy • Off Topic Discussion - Off Topic chat for Raymond's Piracy Telegram group.
Windows_Software - Windows software, cracked.
Windows_Software - Windows software, cracked.
computersoftwar - Various software, mainly for Windows.
eBooks Channels
List of eBook websites, channels & bots - Large collection of websites, bots and channels with a wide range of eBooks.
@Books N All - Request eBooks and audio books, as well as reviews in this group with ~3.5k members & generally a fast response time.
@The Hindu - PDFs of every Indian newspaper every day.
Miscellaneous channels
AutoRcloneEng - The official Rclone Telegram channel.
rclone - A rclone help discussion channel.
Transloader - Community to transload files and provide information which services to use.
@HeadSpaceChannel - HeadSpace mp3 files download.
@MeditationHeadspaceMp3 - HeadSpace mp3 files download.
Botlist - A botlist for various messenger (including Telegram).
@BotListBot - The official bot for to list bots in Telegram.
telegram-list -
- GitHub overview list of useful Telgram Bots.@Proytdlbot - Simple bot to download YouTube Videos. You can't invite the bot into groups.
@ToEmailBot - Redirect all pictures and files to email. Send me one and get it to inbox 💌.
@apkdl_bot - Download latest version of any free android apps and games from
@filetobot - Stores your private files and arranges them by category. Send any file to the bot and it will be immediately added.
@LinkForFilebot - Link your audio, video or media files to a specific channel or group.
@multi_purposebot - Rename, get media links, and upload files. The bot has lots of features.
@sltzbot - A bot to seed torrents.
@sluploadbot - Upload Files To Telegram and generate Links To Telegram Files.
@teletransferxbot - TeleTransferX (currently not working due to lack of support from the community) - down/uploader and search bot.
@TeleWarez_Bot - Official bot from to share and get files.
@UploadBots - A bot which uploads your telegram file to a sharehoster.
@virus_total_scan_bot - Scan files and check it against VirusTotal. Does not work with Channels or Groups.
@GooglePlayDownloader_bot - Download latest version of any free android app directly from Google Play Store.
@SearchBazarBot - Search Bazar and get information.
@DBazarBot - Download the app from Market Cafe
@Ya_Disk_Bot - Upload, files, videos and audio to Yandex Cloud.
eBook Bots
@libgen_scihub_bot - Search and download books and scientific articles. It combines databases of Library Genesis and Sci-Hub with facilities of morphology search. Also, it allows searching by DOI and MD5.
Music Bots
@music - Music Search Bot.
@spotdlrobot - Simple bot to download Spotify Songs in High quality (no FLAC!). You can't invite the bot into Groups.
@DeezloaderAn0n_bot - Download songs from Deezer and if they are not available in Deezer it downloads it from YouTube.
@Soundclouddownloadbot - Download SoundCloud files (music, no playlists) - from within Telegram. You can't invite the Bot into Groups.
@podcastly_bot - Find and search podcasts.
Movies and TV Shows Bots
@imdb - This bot automatically works in all your chats and groups, no need to add it anywhere. Simply type @imdb in any chat.
@piracy_bot - A simple bot which will give you subtitles from various Streaming sites e.g. and
@JaredMovieRuBot - Monitor and get notified about upcoming movies and tv series.
@MovieReleaseBot - Announce and search new movie releases.
@GO_Robot - Announce and search new movie releases.
@SubLandBot - You can download subtitle files in Persian and English Language directly from
@evemovies_bot - Telegram bot that will help you to track your favourite movies.
Google Drive Bots
@botxupdates - Uploads files to your Google Drive. Just send file or direct download link.
@GdriveXbot - Uploads files to your Google Drive. Just send file or direct download link.
@gduploadbot - Remote uploads a link/file and mirrors it to you.
@Gdriveit_bot - The bot can upload files (Telegram files as well as URLs) to your Google Drive.
@U2GD_Bot - Upload URLs to Google Drive.
Moderation Bots
@BotFather - Create and maintain your own bots.
@Combot - Moderation, analytics, anti-spam, the best trigger system in Telegram and more.
@Controller - ControllerBot is a feature-rich bot for Telegram channel (not group!) - owners.
@GroupHelpBot - This is the most complete Bot to help you manage your groups easily and safely!.
@IFTTT - Similar like webhooks your can create own script based snippets which you can use in your channel or group.
@Miss Rose - Manage your group easily with the Rose bot.
@Protectron - Telegram anti-spam and group management bot.
@Shieldy - A zero-config Telegram bot that fights spam in chats.
@vardast_bot - A zero-config Telegram bot that fights spam in chats.
@assistChannel_bot - A zero-config Telegram bot that fights spam in chats.
@AlbionRoBoT - AlbionRoBoT is similar like GroupHelp with some more extra gimmicks.
Youtube Bots
@YtbDownBot - Ultimate bot for downloading media from most web sites.
@video_dl_bot - Download videos from YouTube.
@youtube - Search Videos on YouTube.
@utubebot - Search and DL Videos on YouTube.
@SaveVideoBot - Search and DL Videos on YouTube.
@YoutubeConvertBot - Search and DL Videos on YouTube.
Social Media Bots
@twittervid_bot - Download Twitter videos.
@Instasave_bot - Save Instagram photos.
@redditdownloader_bot - Reddit media download bot
@redditgrambot - Reddit image download bot
@redditvidbot - Reddit video download bot
Temporary Email Bots
@fakemailbot - Get fake emails as soon as new ones arrive.
@DropmailBot - Get fake emails.
@etlgr_bot - Get fake emails.
@smtpbot - Get fake emails.
@temp_mail_bot - Get fake emails.
@GmailBot - GMail management Bot.
@TrashMailClient_Bot - It will generate a mail for you that will be valid for 15 minutes.
Torrent bots
@itorrentsearchbot - Searchbot which finds torrent and magnet links on by keyword search.
@torrentdrive_bot - Gives you Google Drive link for the torrent files you send.
@torrent_drive - Torrent to GDrive Bot.
Torrent Leecher List - A simple list for torrent leecher in telegram.
Miscellaneous bots
@el_monitorro - el_monitorro is RSS, Atom and JSON feed reader written in Rust.
@eventsaggregatorbot - Forward your favorite Twitter, Instagram, RSS, Reddit, YouTube, Twitch accounts in Telegram.
@TheDigestBot - The bot collects all news from your channel subscriptions and sends to you a Digest with all news once a day.
@HideItBot - Hide Text in Chat.
@bing - Bing is search engine, this Bot let's you search for photos.
@ya - Internet search Bot.
@whooisbot - Get WHOIS information.
@ipaboutbot - Get IP information.
@userinfobot - Get User Infos.
@ChannelIdBot - Get Channel Infos.
@vajehyabbot - Get Channel Infos.
@Calstars_Bot - A Token Tipping Bot.
@LinkToFilesBot - Send any document to get a direct download link.
udemy_link_bot - Send
/download <course_link>
to download.
Last updated
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