MIC028_Piracy Guide.indd - Microsoft (.PDF) - Microsoft's anti software piracy guide.
Unofficial Reddit Guides to software piracy - A list with subreddits connected to software piracy, it also lists which community was banned from Reddit.
r/piracy/wiki/tools - Windows/Office activation tools, and images/installers for Windows, Office + Adobe.
nsane.down - A popular file-sharing forum focused on software.
/s/sjain_guides - Guides and downloads for CS:GO, Windows 10 gaming optimisations, and more.
Pro Design Tools - Site focused on Adobe Development including cracked software and ebooks.
ShareAppsCrack - Website with a plethora of development tools and engineering-focused software, including video tutorials, and some ebooks.
Photokaaran - Indian site with direct download links of cracked productivity tools.
Vestathemes - A website for WordPress themes and plugins.
Appnee - One of the oldest websites when it comes to software, changes the domain often.
Blackpearl - Provides similar services like Shnap forum.
Bagas31 - Bagas32 is a known disturber for software and software cracks. - Windows software to various products, AV's, Music etc.
Cloud-Droid - Cloud-Droid offers (mostly) - downloads via sharehoster. - Cracked software for free!.
DDGroupClub - (
).Fost.Club - (
).KaranPC - Yet another community around Windows software.
PiratBit - (
).PirateCity - Softwares, Performance Optimizing Tools, Antivirus Softwares , Image Editing Tools, Video Editing Softwares, Data Recovery Softwares & more.
RuTracker - (
).RadiXX11 - Provides software cracks and keygens for various software. - Also known as "SoftArchive", is a portal to provide Windows and MacOS software cracks.
Softlay - Windows software mirrors.
Softpilot - (
) - A forum and website for various repacks and in general a good place for software discussions.Tapochek - (
).Team-OS HKRG - Windows, iOS and Android apps and various activation tools. - (
).UltraTrack - (
) - A forum for various repacks and in general a good place for software - (
).Uniondht - (
).Digiboy - (
) - Provides Windows software, macOS and various other software related products.OnHaxCrack - A website dedicated to provide cracks for various types of Software.
PirateCity - Various Software releases.
CrackHomes - Yet another release page.
Ask4PC - Cracks for PC Software.
ProFreeCrack - Provides cracks for various programs.
downloadha - (
) - Provides various software products, Adobe, Windows & more
Software Repacks - (
) - Russian repacker provides various software repacks.M0nkrus'a - (
) - Russian repacker, maindly known for Adobe repacks but also provides lot of other repacks.PoorShock - (
) - Russian repacker and website to various software products, Adobe, Sound Forge etc.Punsh - (
) - Russian repacker, similar like PoorShock and M0nkrus.Soft4PC - Yet another website for cracked software repacks.
SCloud - Provides site several years repacks for popular software like Adobe & Windows.
FoxxApp PAF Portables - Windows Software repacks & portables.
LR Repacks - (RU) - Yet another Russian portal, for ELCHUPACABRA repacks & more.
PiratedHub - Internation Repack website.
RePack Club - (RU) - Russian repack portal.
Repacks.NET - A well-known repack website mostly for Windows software.
The House of Portable - Portable versions of various Software.
Keygens & Serials - Provides cracks for Windows and macOS.
Serialreactor - Looking for serials?.
Serials - Serial keys for software that may or may not work.
Serialz - (insecue) - Yet another serials page.
SerialShack - One of the oldest serial websites which are still online.
Smart Serials - (needs VPN) - Forum + serials.
Adobe CC
Adobe Master Collector - This tool downloads pre-activated Adobe applications released by m0nkrus, ranging from CS6 to CC 2020.
Adobe CC 2018 - Full in-depth guide to installing and cracking any application (Windows).
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC - Full in-depth guide to downloading, installing, activating and optimising.
Adobe CC 2019/2020 AIO Patcher - The latest working All-In-One Patcher for all Adobe Creative Cloud 2019/2020 Applications (Windows only).
Adobe CC 2018 - Full in-depth guide to installing and using any application (Windows) - A full in-depth guide to installing and cracking any application (Windows) - by sjain_guides.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - Full in-depth guide to installation and activation (Windows) - A full in-depth guide to installing and cracking any application (Windows) - by sjain_guides.
Adobe Zii 4.0.3 - Tool for patching and cracking Adobe CC applications.
How to download paid fonts for free - Post by /u/Bebhio on how to use clever Google searches to find Adobe (and other) - fonts online.
Pirating Adobe CC for Dummies - Detailed guide about pirating Adobe CC for Windows.
Nulled Scripts
AIW.BZ - German forum for nulled scripts.
BoardScriptz - One of the oldest boards around nulled forum scripts.
Cracked-Scriptz - (needs VPN) - A Blog which is not always online, it provides info around nulled scripts.
EScripts - (anti-ad-blocker detection) - English forum for nulled forum software. - The most popular forum around nulled scripts.
ScriptZSector - One of the newcomer, but fast growing forum.
ToolBase - Tools, scripts and forum discussions around nulled software.
WSC-Scriptz - Sometimes online, mostly blocked by ISP, provides a lot info around the nulled scene. - Yet another german forum for nulled scripts.
AME - Windows 10 AME aims at delivering a stable, non-intrusive yet fully functional build of Windows 10 to anyone, who requires the Windows operating system natively.
Krakatoa - Office, Windows, KMS and Key checkers.
My Digital Life Forums - Windows topics, hotfixes & self-made tools.
Microsoft Build Overview - A history of Windows build strings.
PCBeta - Windows ISOs, hotfixes and discussions.
RCC - RCC, check your system's trusted root certificate store.
SamLab - (RU) - Windows Board, ISOs, Hotfixes & more.
Shadow-Trooperz - Provides Windows ISO's and other Windows related software links.
TechBench - Find official Windows isos for Windows 7/8/10.
/f/MSToolkit - Tools for activating Windows software, including Windows 10 itself.
Windows 10 Digital License - Scripts for activating Windows 10 "legitimately" by binding your HWID to a Microsoft account.
ShowKeyPlus - Windows product key finder and validation checker.
Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility - another alternative is to work with micro patches
How to download and install Windows 10 LTSC - Guide by /u/sq_skez. "Take everything we loved about Windows 7, add the under-the-hood improvements of Windows 8 and 10 but none of the marketing/cloud/phone app/user-tracking crap, and what do you get? Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition.".
Windows 10 Digital License (HWID) - & KMS38 Generation - Reddit guide by /u/s1ave77 with instructions on how to use HWID to activate various editions of Windows 10.
Hotfixes & Patches
AskWoody - News, tips, advice, support for Windows, Office, PCs & more. Also provides information regarding hotfixes & patches.
Simplix Blog - Windows Hotfix repository.
UUPDump - In-official Windows Hotfix repository + Windows dumps.
KMS Activator - The original open source repo for KMS related activation & research.
KMS Server Emulator written in Python - Open source KMS Server Emulator written in Python.
PIDChecker - Validate and check Microsoft Product keys.
W10-Digital-License-Activation-Script-4 - Activate the Windows 10 permanently with digital License.
Windows Mirrors & Verification Tools
Microsoft .iso DDLs - Web interface for Microsoft's own "TechBench" site to provide mirrors for everyone. Latest releases are avbl. here.
Microsoft .iso torrents on Digitalriver - Mirrors for official Windows & Office ISO's.
Windows 10 1903 Build 18362.30 Final (May Update '19) - Download + checksum links.
Windows and Office Genuine ISO Verifier - Freeware tool to verify Windows & Office images.
Windows ISO Downloader - Allows an easy and comfortable way to download genuine Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 disk images (ISO) - directly from Microsoft's servers (tool contains ads). - Unofficial mirror of The Eye's Windows Software dump.
CMacA - A nice website for macOS software.
APPKED - Links to share-hosters, provides serials, cracks & more.
CrackSoft - Latest Crack Softwares For Windows and macOS.
Imojado - Android, macOS and other things.
KaranPC - macOS warez via sharehoster.
Mac Torrent Download - (needs ad-blocker) - Provides cracks for macOS. Be careful, each click triggers an ad.
Mac Torrents - Lots of macOS Warez. - Tutorials, Apps, Games via P2P or sharehoster for macOS.
GetIntoPC - Last place to look for macOS software.
Olarila - Provides MacOS ISOs for VM among several other stuff.
You can't download paid android apps for free from the official Google Play Store. Paid apps are bound to your Google Account. If an app/website tells you otherwise, it is most probably a lie.
You can only do the "refund trick" or download precracked apps from mobilism and other (trusted) - places!.
::: - 4PDA is the biggest Russian forum about mobile devices.
Android Republic - Android Republic is similar to Mobilism, provides mirrors to various apks.
APK Mania - Apps, Games, Themes, Wallpapers & Widgets.
APKmb - Download paid Apps & Android Games for free. - (requires login) - A small forum with some exclusive apps & games.
Mobilism Forum - Large forum of mobile apps and books.
PlaystoreDownloader - A command line tool to download free Android applications directly from the Google Play Store.
Raccoon - Java based APK Downloader which uses a fake Google Account (API Key) - to download free Android apps.
Alternative app stores
⭐ F-Droid - A community-maintained FOSS App Repository / Desktop / Alt Client
Apkmos - The Best App Store For Download Android Apps, Games, Themes, Wallpapers And Much More.
HiAppHere - Another alternative app market.
Aptoide - An alternative repository-based marketplace for Android applications.
Yalp Store - Download apks from Google Play Store.
ACMARKET - Download android apps & games free.
IndexOutOfBounds Store - Streaming apps including Liveflix, PopFlix, SeriesDroid S2, and AnimeDroid S2.
Aurora OSS - An open-source alternative for the Google Play Store.
APK Mirrors and Mods
⭐ Android APK CSE + Android APK CSE 2 - Custom APK Search Engine
⭐ /r/ApksApps - Updated list of modded APK's / Discord / Telegram
⭐ Mobilism (Android) - Modded APK Download Forum
⭐ APKMirror - Untouched
⭐ ModdedCentral - Modded / Telegram
⭐ M.D. Super App Store - Modded Streaming App Repo, use code "85810914" in file linked
⭐ Android FOSS**, ⭐ Awesome Android , **/r/u_Jackie7610 or ⭐ Cool FOSS / GitHub - Free and Open Source Apps for Android
Direct Download From Google Play - Add Direct DL Links to Google Play
IzzyOnDroid - App Repository / F-Droid
Haoict Repository - App Repository
Apkpure - Untouched
Aurora Store - Alt Google Play Store / F-Droid
Aptoide - Alt Android App Store
Android Zone - Forum
APKGK - Untouched
AAPKS - Untouched
APK-DL - Untouched
Appvn - Untouched
APKCombo - Untouched
APKHere - Untouched
APK Vision - Untouched
APK Award - Untouched
Android APK - Untouched / Modded
APKSum - Untouched / Modded
A2Z APK - Untouched / Modded
RevDl - Modded
AndroidGameMods - Modded
farsroid - Modded
APKTops - Modded
ModDroid - Modded
Android1 - Modded
HappyMod - Modded
DZAPK - Modded
Apk4All - Modded
ReXdl - Modded
Source of APK - Modded
AGXAPKS - Modded
iHackedit - Modded
AndroPalace - Modded
APK Home - Modded
DlAndroid - Modded
APKMody - Modded
APKDone - Modded
APK Folks - Modded
ModApk.Cloud - Modded
Rockmods - Modded
ApkMagic - Modded
ApKGod - Modded
AppValley - Modded / Tweaked
djjubeemedia - Modded Index
PlatinMods - Modded / Private Game Servers
Gdrivehub Apps - Modded / Telegram
Cracked Apps - Modded / Telegram
DroidApks - Modded / Telegram
apkmod_s - Modded / Telegram
Pro App Share - Modded / Telegram
xdapiratesbot - Modded / Telegram
Software_Android_Apps_Games - Modded / Telegram
FossDroid - Open source apps + /r/fossdroid
Moderse - Android Apk Telegram Channel by well know modder- Stabiron
APK Downloader - Download Google Play apks
evozi - Download Google Play apks
Blackmod - Modded Game APKs
App filter - Play Store Advanced Search
/r/googleplaydeals - Paid apps
Android App Sales - Paid apps / Telegram
AppSales - Paid apps
AppsFree - Paid apps
r/moddedandroidapps - Modded Android app releases subreddit.
APK Mirror Download - Popular vietnamese website to download APK's.
APKHouse - Provides mirrors for various Android apps incl. games.
Sbenny - Modded games and apps.
ApkPure - Another free APK mirror site.
Androeed - (RU) - Russian APK site.
On HAX - APK Mods and mirrors. - RePacks, mods and other software.
Baltagy's Website - Apps, Mods, RePacks and portable releases.
Release-APK - Balatan's APK page.
Haxoff - Haxoff provides cracked games & Android APK's.
APK4Free - Android apk mirrors and patches.
APKDot - APKMirror clone website.
Techsquiral - A Hub of Latest Mod Apks.
Thoptv - Top movies and TV shows.
KingoTV - Your Portable Entertainment Gateway! Watch 500+ Live HD Channels and 10,000+ Hours of Movies Series Shows for Free!.
Orion TV - (SH) - Allows you to watch live TV channels and recorded selected shows (72h Catch-up TV).
PhoenixTV - Morpheus Fork.
ZippyTV - (Needs adblock/ad-free version) - Watch 500+ Live HD Channels, Movies & Tv Series for Free! Start Streaming Now!. - Wireless TV you can access ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, for FREE.
Cinema - A lot of Movies & TV/Shows to watch and download.
DreamTV - Terrarium clone.
Morph TV - Morpheus fork.
TitaniumTV - Terrarium clone.
99kubo - (needs ad-blocker) - 99Kubo is a paradise for movie buffs,couch potatoes & social networkers.
Anime Molecules - (needs ad-blocker) - Yet another anime streaming app.
AniméGlare - (needs ad-blocker) - Let's you stream any anime for free.
AniméVibe - Watch Anime Online Free HD both Subbed and Dubbed on AnimeVibe without Advertisements!.
AOS TV - Watch More than 1000+ Live TV Channels free on your Android Phone from across the world.
BeeTV - (needs ad-blocker) - Watch movies & tv shows for free on Android device, Amazon Fire Stick, Fire TV, Nvidia Shield, etc.
Cinema HD - (Ads) - FireTV Stick, Nvidia Shield, support Real-Debird, external players,, series Guide.
CKay TV - (needs ad-blocker) - Allows you to stream free videos from across the web directly on your Android and Firestick devices.
CyberFlix 2.0 - A rebooted version from the original Cyberflix app, good for movies & tv episodes.
Exousia - Watch Live Tv & Movies, Sports.
Fildo - Android music streaming app which fetches files from third party MP3 search engines.
Filmix - Watch movies and TV shows using AndroidTV or mobile devices.
Glaz TV - (RU) - Online TV for Android devices.
Kokotime - Kokotime is an addon-based, simple, free and elegantly designed app that will let you watch all your favorite media content in a unique and elegant user friendly design.
KrakenTV - Watch dozens of different TV channels from the comfort of your Android device.
TopMoviesonline - App to get notified about netx tv shows, movies and trailers, it also allows you to watch videos.
MediaBox HD - Provides tv shows, movies & more on Android + iOS.
Mega Shows - Watch & Download your favorite movies and TV shows.
TeaTV - App for Android, Windows, and macOS for watching 1080p movies and TV shows for free.
Terrarium TV Reborn sub reddit - A place to talk about streaming apps.
Cyberflix - Yet another Terrarium clone.
TVPato2 - (es-ES) - Spanish Live TV App.
TVZion - One app to stream them all.
Vaughn Live - Possibly the greatest LIVE streaming video site on the internet! Looks like a Twitch clone.
eDonkey network - A decentralized, mostly server-based, peer-to-peer file sharing network + Server Status
FastTrack - Protocol used by the Kazaa, Grokster, iMesh, and Morpheus file sharing programs.
Gnutella - P2P network behind the popular LimeWire file sharing app.
Kad - The Kad network is a peer-to-peer (P2P) - network which implements the Kademlia P2P overlay protocol.
Napster - Peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service that emphasized sharing digital audio files, typically audio songs, encoded in MP3 format.
Peer-to-peer file sharing - Detailed Wikipedia page about file sharing.
r/moddedandroidapps - User modified (modded) - Android apps.
aTorrent - Another popular torrent client for Android.
BiglyBT - Free, open source torrent client for Android phone, tablet, Chromebook, & Android TV.
Flud - Flud is a simple and beautiful BitTorrent client for Android.
LibreTorrent - LibreTorrent is a Free as in Freedom torrent client for Android 4+, based on libtorrent.
Transdrone - Transdrone allows you to manage the torrents you run on your home server or seedbox.
Trireme for Deluge - A Deluge thin client for Android. Written in Flutter.
Vuze - Lightweight & powerful BitTorrent app.
iTorrent Search - A torrent search engine with multiple torrent providers and beautiful ui.
TorrSE - Torrent Search Android app.
Download Manegers
Ponydroid - Known and old Downloader for Android
Advance Download Manager - Similar like Internet Download Manager for Desktop just for Android.
IDM+ - IDM+ is the fastest and most advanced download manager with Torrent download support.
MagisK Modules
ADB & Fastboot for Android NDK - Static ARM adb and fastboot binaries for Android built with the NDK.
Adreno GPU Developer Preview Drivers - Replace ROM Adreno GPU drivers from Qualcomm.
Always-on Fingerprint - Allows you to unlock your device without pressing the home button. The fingerprint scanner will remain always-on to allow that.
Android Mic Fix - Fixes in call low volume mic issues for various Android devices.
APK-Patcher Lite - A modified version of APK-Patcher that will delete / inject files into System APK files instead of using a baksmali / apktool method.
App Data Keeper - Protects select apps+data from being wiped out on a regular TWRP factory reset.
Busybox for Android NDK - BusyBox (replaced with ToyBox in later Android version) - is still needed for some apps/functions/scripts.
CloudflareDNS4Magisk (& IPv6) - Starting with Android 9 (Pie)+ - you can manually set this (without any module) - in your Wifi/tether settings.
crontab - Easy to use crontabs.
DNSCrypt Proxy 2 for Android - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2 and DNS-over-HTTP/2.
EdXposed - Elder driver Xposed Framework, even works with Android Q. Did I you said XPosed on Q, yep I did!.
Init.d Injector - Injects init.d support via post-fs-data script, this module is only useful if your OS do not natively supports init.d e.g. LOS does that without any scripts.
liboemcrypto-disabler - Magisk module to disable DRM (e.g. Netflix, My5) - on rooted Android devices.
Magisk Manager for Recovery Mode - This beauty of a module saved my ass from bootloops multiple times in my journey of getting everything to work together.
Magisk Manager - Official Magisk XDA Forum thread + discussion.
Magisk Module Uninstaller - Enables you to uninstall modules in TWRP via terminal.
Magisk WiFi Bonding - Make 40Mhz runing at 2.4Ghz/5Ghz on your Qualcomm devices! In theory it doubles the bandwith on Qualcomm devices.
Nano for Android NDK - Static ARM nano binary for Android built with the NDK.
NanoDroid - An installer for various Open Source related things, most noticeably microG and F-Droid.
Secure I/F - Designed to disable data delivery through USB. It can protect your data when you are charging in public area. Some ROMs do this automatically (or via an option) - but most do not!.
Systemless TZData - Update your ROM's TZData systemlessly.
Viper4Android FX Legacy Materialized - It's not placebo!.
Wireless Firmware for Nethunter - Adds the required firmware for external wireless adapters to be used with Nethunter.
YouTube Vanced - A well known modded version of YouTube with many features such as adblocking and background playback.
FDE - Ultimate Android Optimizer.
EdXposed Modules
Material Design Xposed Installer - An unofficial Xposed installer with some useful tweaks.
RootCloak - Allows you to run apps that detect root without disabling root.
Alternative Distros
GraphenOS - Hardened OS for e.g. Google Pixel.
LineageOS - LineageOS, one of the biggest an well maintained alternative to Google's AOSP. Google apps (short: gapps) - can be optionally installed.
Replicaant - Replicant is a fully free Android distribution running on several devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on freedom and privacy/security.
CalyxOS - Similar like GraphenOS, supports some Google Pixel Devices.
Beta Profiles - Download Apple Beta Software without an account or developer ID.
"My little guide for piracy on iPhone" - Post by /u/Impulse_13.
r/jailbreak - Subreddit for iOS side-loading and jailbreak related discussions.
checkm8 - Checkm8 is an iOS 13 Boot-exploit.
Checkra1n - Semi-tethered Jailbreak for iOS 12.3+.
EtasonATV - AppleTV jailbreak.
IPSW - Provides Jailbreak firmware.
Fugu - Fugu is the first open source jailbreak based on the checkm8 exploit.
ipwndfu - Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices.
s0meiyoshino - This tool enables exploit of iBoot.
Unc0ver - The most advanced jail-break tool.
Can I Jailbreak - Check if your phone can be jailbroken
IPSW - Provides Jailbreak firmware
Julioverne - iOS Jailbreaking Tools
Odyssey - 13.0-13.5 Semi-tethered Jailbreak
unc0ver - 11.0-13.5 Semi-tethered Jailbreak
Jailbreak 13.5 Tweak Compatibility List - Find out what tweaks are compatible with the 13.5
Meridian - 10.0-10.3.3 Jailbreak
ReProvision - On-device signing utility
SHSH Host - Save SHSH blobs to upgrade/downgrade iOS versions
⭐ Open-Source iOS Apps - Open Source iOS App Index
MoviesDiary - Free Movies and TV shows streaming app with tracking feature.
Cinema Time - Similar like Popcorn Time.
HDX Online - Another alternative for Cinema Time.
Total files - Basically the IDM under the iOS Download Manager.
iPALibrary - Hacked/Tweaked iOS App Library maintained by Shub
Tutubox - Tweaked Apps Store
iPAGarage - Community Based Tweaked/Hacked iOS App Library_ - Their Twitter - _For discussion, requests, and submissions
AltStore - Alternative App Store
ioshaven - Alternative App Store
Kiiimo - App Repository
iOSGods - App Tweaks / Hacks / Mods
ignition - App Tweaks
EonHub - Hacked apps / Tweaks
Scarlet - Hacked apps / Tweaks / Anti Revoke
tweakboxapp or tweakboxapp (sideloaded) - App Tweaks
iPASpot - Hacked / Tweaked iOS Apps
iPABox - Hacked / Tweaked iOS Apps
iosninja - App Sideload Files
App Valley - Basically the Aptoide under the iOS Stores.
Box Loca - Track the movies you have watched with Box Loca for iPhone.
Cydia - Cydia is an alternative to Apple's App Store for "jailbroken" devices.
Store Repos
Conorthedev Repo
Cydia Akemi
Get Delta
iDevice Hacked
Kingmehu Yourepo
Qwert yui op 1379
The Swedish Prxck
Last updated
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