11. Confidence
In order to acquire confidence, you must, first of all, let go of your attachment to the need to be confident. Insecurity lies in overestimating the importance of things. I don’t need confidence as a crutch because if I have no importance, I have nothing to protect and nothing to gain. I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. If nothing is of excessive importance to me, my world is pure and transparent. I refuse to fight and choose to go with the variants flow. I am empty so I cannot be hooked. I have no need to struggle. I quietly go my own path taking what is mine along the way. This is not a position of shaky confidence so much as a matter of calm, conscious coordination.
Insecurity creates a vicious circle. The more important your goal, the greater your desire to achieve it, the greater the feeling of insecurity. The more worry and anxiety you feel about something, the quicker your fears will prove justified. The battle for self-worth drains your energy. Feelings of guilt can turn a life into the wretched existence of a loser. How do you break out of this tangled maze? You can’t. There is no way out. The secret of the maze is that when you stop looking for the way out and let go of the importance of things, the walls of the maze collapse all by themselves. Stop fighting to prove your sense of worth and it will surely be returned to you. Stop justifying yourself to others and you will stop feeling guilty. In the same way, if you reduce the importance you attach to external objects, you will no longer be dominated by their apparent, great significance. Finally, perfect coordination is achieved when the heart and mind are in harmony. To achieve this, listen to the dictates of your heart and stay true to your own beliefs.
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