67. Refining the Script
Look at everything around you with the eyes of an observer. Imagine that you are taking part in a play at the same time acting dispassionately taking note of any movement in your surroundings. Do not insist on keeping to your own script. Let the world go with the variants flow. This does not mean that you have to agree with everything totally. It is one thing to close your eyes and surrender to the powerful pull of the current, and quite another to go with the fl ow, deliberately and consciously. You will know when to pull in the reins and when to give some slack. Let the world go and observe its movement. Keep an eye on it, like a wise mentor who leaves the youth room for freedom of choice only occasionally giving a nudge in the right direction. You will soon notice how the world begins to centre around you.
People feel uncomfortable when they are lead blindfolded. The mind finds it difficult to accept that sometimes nothing happens or that events don’t turn out as planned. The mind is designed like a cybernetic automaton. If the work algorithm is broken, a red light comes on. So-called common sense can really be very primitive. It not only sets a stereotypical course of action, it also insists upon it being carried out. In the majority of cases, there is no need to take action and it is quite enough to be flexible and gently follow what is happening. As long as you don’t disturb it, the variants flow will direct the course of events down a preferable stream. You have to turn the shortsighted intention of the mind in the opposite direction. Let it dynamically adjust its script to include the unexpected. This kind of task will be new to the mind, but it is the only effective way of shedding the role of the kitten playing in front of a mirror. When you consciously abandon control of a situation, you end up gaining real control instead.
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