64. The Soul’s Sail
Everyone has their own personal goal, on the path to which, they reveal all their talents and find true happiness. If a person is unaware of their uniqueness, their divine power from the Creator, and falls into non-lucid dreaming, the pendulums will put the dreamer into instant circulation, impose false goals and show them their place in the matrix, so that they become nothing more than a cog in the system. When a person aims for borrowed goals, their life can feel as if they were serving a prison sentence. On the path towards your personal goal, you will find true happiness in life. Your goal will transform your life into a constant celebration. Achieving your goal will bring with it the fulfilment of all your other desires, and what is more, the results will surpass your highest expectations. Search for your goal and you will find it.
Is it really necessary to search for a personal goal? In truth, most people don’t even think about it. They just live their life and that’s it, although they are not so much living it as serving time. One day is very much like another: routine work, the same old faces, streets, walls, the ropey range of distractions, the permanent burden of cares and responsibilities, and celebrations only on certain days (although not chosen by you). Yet there are other people, whose lives are always bright and colourful like a carnival. For these lucky ones, there are not any workdays as such. ‘At work they work’ as if they were playing and every day is a Catherine wheel of interesting events, happy experiences, and meetings. «Why is it like that for them but not for me?» Because these chosen ones sought their own path. You can count these kinds of people on the fingers of one hand. The rest are prisoners of the matrix, rank-and-file components of the system. Unaware that they are renouncing their right to freedom of choice in the process, God’s uniquely powerful children have allowed pendulums to turn their lives into a non-lucid dream. Now the system decides for them what they need and want, how they should live their life and what they should strive for.
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