45. Path to Your Goal


Drop the importance of your goal, let go of any feelings of longing so that all you are left with is the resolve to have. You should be moving towards your goal in the same way that you go to the postbox to pick up your post. The only things that can spoil everything on the path towards your goal are obsessional commitment, trying too hard and fear of defeat. Run the goal slide in your mind without including any particular script. You already have it. Don’t think about the means of achieving the goal. If you focus on the goal as if you had already achieved it, after some time, outer intention will open the door of opportunity to you, and then the means to the end will present themselves.


If you think your goal is unachievable, you will spoil the whole thing with doubt and heavy thoughts about your own potential failure. So how do you believe in the impossible enough for it to become possible? You don’t! There is no way that you can persuade, convince, or force yourself to believe. Put these petty worries to one side and get down to it. Run the goal slide in your thoughts and do not forget to put one foot in front of the other as you move towards your goal. Don’t worry that for now, your goal is hidden from view somewhere way beyond the clouds. Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine how it could be yours but that is not for you to worry about. All you have to do is make your order. Leave the rest to the waiter. When the mind sees the doors opening, your doubts will dissolve. Many people, who have achieved astounding success, confess that they would never have believed themselves capable of it. Just one piece of advice: Don’t place Your entire goal on one card only. Find an alternative route, a safety net or fall-back position; don’t slam past doors shut and don’t burn your bridges prematurely.

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