77. Allies
You are only alone to the extent that you desire to be alone. Any inanimate object can be transformed into an entity and made your ally if you treat it as if it were animate. You can create your own talisman, a toy of some kind, and with all seriousness, consider that it is alive and helping you. Everything around you, buildings, trees, furniture, dishes, home appliances, cars and computers will all help you and look after you if you decide that this is the case. Don’t ask your allies for anything. Treat them in the same way that you treat the mirror of the world. Be confident that they are looking after you. Know this and regularly repeat the thought to yourself.
Just as the physical body can create like from like, so can the heart. When you think of an object as a living being, your thought form transforms into an energetic entity, a kind of phantom with a ‘virtual soul’. Phantoms are invisible and intangible because they exist in a metaphysical space. Nonetheless, once born they exist objectively and are capable, like any thought form, of influencing physical reality. So, if you want to, you can boldly animate the objects around you and communicate with them as you would with living beings. Treat them with affection, respect, and love and they will repay you in kind. For example, if you treat your car as if it were a living being you care about very much, its «soul» will guard you from accidents. When you have to throw something away, don’t forget to thank it first. Don’t worry, as soon as you forget about items that you no longer need, their ‘virtual soul’ will cease to exist.
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