7. The Illusory Reflection
People are like the little kitten that stands in front of the mirror not realising that it is looking at its own image. You might think you are at the hands of circumstance, which you are incapable of changing but this is an illusion, fake prop, which you can easily dispel if you want to. Unconsciously, you are going round in circles. You observe reality and express your relationship to it; the mirror confirms the content of your relationship to reality in waking life. It is like a closed-loop feedback system. Reality is created as a reflection of your thought forms and the nature of the thought form is, in turn, largely defined by the reflection you see in the mirror. The principle of creating your own reality lies in turning the loop in the opposite direction. Look at yourself first and only then in the mirror.
When a person is attached to the mirror by their relationship to the world (a primitive response to reality), they try to chase after the reflection (equally as primitive) in an attempt to change some aspect of it. Now let’s try and turn the mirror circle backwards. First, we express our relationship to the world - the mirror consolidates the content of this relationship in reality - and then we observe reality. What do we get as a result? There is no longer a primitive and powerless assertion about the reflection. This is replaced instead by a deliberate, purposeful assertion of the thought form. Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction about what you see in the mirror, turn away from it and start creating a picture in your mind of what you would like to see. That is the way out of the mirror maze. The world first stops and then starts to meet you half way. When you take control of your relationship to reality, outer intention will begin to work, and for outer intention, there is nothing that cannot be realised. All you have to do is switch your attention from the reflection to the image in front of it. In other words, take control of your thoughts. Don’t think about the things you don’t want and try to avoid; think about the things you do want and are striving to achieve.
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