61. Borrowed Goals


When you are deciding on your own goal, ask yourself, “Do I really want this with all my soul or do I just want to want it?” If you have to convince yourself then it is a borrowed goal. If the goal is truly yours, you won’t have to sell it to yourself. The movement towards borrowed goals always holds the joy in an illusory future. When you are moving towards your own goal, you are happy in the moment. Borrowed goals are always brutal to the self, a compulsion, an obligation. A borrowed goal always takes the guise of fashion and prestige, seduces with its superiority and forces you to prove yourself to everyone. Borrowed goals are imposed on you by others and serve only to improve someone else’s welfare. Seek your own goal.


Borrowed goals evoke that uneasy feeling in the soul. False goals tend to be very attractive. Your mind will paint the positive values of the goal in the brightest of colours and yet if you feel in any way burdened by the goal, despite its attractiveness, it is paramount that you be honest with yourself. Naturally, the mind does not want to know. As far as it is concerned, everything is wonderful and perfect. So where does the sombre shade come from? When considering your goal, forget about its potential prestige, how difficult it is to achieve or even how to achieve it. Focus your attention solely on the sense you have in your core. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal and everything is behind you. Do you feel good or not? Don’t confuse the inhibitions of the scared ego (or shyness thinking, ‘Could this really be for me?’) with an uneasy gut reaction. Those sneaky suspicions are actually a heavy feeling of oppression or burden, which you are vaguely beginning to sense lurking beyond the optimistic reasoning of the mind. Slides can help overcome spiritual inhibition but spiritual discomfort… never.

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