55. The Master’s Mindset
People paint the layer of their personal world in the darkest shades with their own negative attitude. The mirror simply states the content of the attitude and ignores your slant on it. It does not matter how you are thinking about something. What matters is what you are thinking about in the first place. Whether you like the reflection or not, you are still thinking about it. Only the theme of your thoughts has weight. From this moment on, make it a rule to keep your thought pattern and mindset under control. Whatever happens, turn everything into a positive. Fix your attention ultimately on what you want to have. With time, you will create a very comfortable personal reality. Prepare yourself for a magnificent cascade of pleasing events.
Usually, a person’s attention is totally absorbed by their negative experiences. They become preoccupied with the things they don’t like. They think about the things they don’t want and don’t want the things they think about. The mirror makes no allowances for a person’s desires or reluctance. It simply accurately conveys the content of the image, no more, no less. It is ridiculous really. People are endlessly dragging around with them the things they do not like. That is why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. They are all looking in the mirror of the world each in their own way stating the guise of their personal reality. This kind of reality sucks you in like a swamp. The old woman queuing for her pension, the exhausted woman with heavy bags on a packed bus, and the sick patient hoboing from one medical institution to the next - all their thoughts totally immersed in their own grim reality. Meanwhile, someone else is enjoying life, the ocean, yachts, travel, luxury hotels, and expensive restaurants, everything the heart desires. In every case, irrespective of the nature of the situation, people make precisely the same statement: «Such is life». More precisely, our life is as we imagine our existence to be. The mirror confirms and consistently consolidates the content of our thought forms.
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