2. Hacking the Dream
Right now, embrace the awareness that your life is a game, which you have been pushed into playing. While you are mentally engrossed in the game, you can’t objectively evaluate a situation or influence the course of events in any significant way. So first, come down into the audience hall, take a good, calm look at everything around you and say to yourself, “In this moment, I am fully awake and aware of where I am, what is happening, what I am doing and why”. Then walk back onto the stage and continue playing your role while remaining the witness, like any other member of the audience. Now you have a huge advantage -awareness. You have hacked the game and acquired the ability to control it.
When you dream, you are at the mercy of circumstance. The rational mind sleeps and accepts everything at face value as if everything were unfolding as it should. Waking life is pretty much the same. You might tend to think that reality is something that exists independently, and that you are powerless to influence it. You are mostly resigned to your lot, the set of capabilities given to you and the conditions of the environment in which you have to exist. All you can do is go with the flow that of fate, from time to time, making minor attempts to assert your rights. Is it really possible to change things? Too right, it is! And you will. Until now, you have probably perceived reality as you were taught to. Now, be aware that reality is like a dream. You can only control the situation through lucid dreaming. On stage, everyone is playing a role and all the actors are interacting with you in one way or another. They might expect something of you, make impositions, requests and demands; they may help, obstruct, love or hate you. Look at the game consciously, from a distance, and then you will understand it all.
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