73. The Miserly Mind
When a person’s mind is in the pendulums’ grip, they are forced to accept endless limitations and fulfil the role allocated to them in the game. Do not listen to the mind, which wants to convince you that your goal is unrealistic. Remember, the mind is locked in a framework of false stereotypes. Life will eventually end and your dream will remain lying alone in a dusty drawer. Without the heart, the mind is not capable of very much in this world. Together they are capable of anything because the union of heart and mind gives rise to a magical power, the power of outer intention. Don’t give up on your dream simply because some pumped-up authority has claimed the right to decide what is realistic and what isn’t. Claim the right to a personal miracle.
The mind treats the heart as if it were a child asking you to buy it a favourite toy in a toyshop. The responses of the mind are usually fairly standard, such as, «We can’t afford it. Don’t be silly! I know best what you need. That’s not for the likes of us. That’s unrealistic. Not everyone is so blessed. You don’t have the skills or the abilities. He (she) is way out of your league! Just be like everyone else.»
The mind works according to logic, which is imposed by pendulums who benefit from keeping their followers on a short leash, denying them the freedom to choose their dreams. For the heart, there is no logic. It interprets everything literally. The mind says you have no money but the heart doesn’t want money, it wants the toy! Motivated by the fact that you have no money, the mind places a ban on the toy (it’s not realistic, its unachievable), and all the heart can do is retreat into itself and forget about it. With that, you’ve just witnessed the funeral of your personal dream. The mind cannot fathom how to make the dream come true and so it won’t let the dream into the layer of your personal world because as far as the mind is concerned, everything in life has to be logical and clear. All you have to do is agree to have, and outer intention will take care of the ‘how’.
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