52. Gatekeeper to Eternity
The variants space contains everything, and everything that you desire with your heart and mind is yours. You should know, however, that at the threshold of Eternity there stands a Gatekeeper, an absolute law, which guards access to everything beyond. The unremitting guardian only admits those who have the audacity to exercise the right of the Master. Your pass is the verdict: «I am capable and worthy because I have decided it is so. I don’t want and I don’t hope. I intend.» Claim this right and the Gatekeeper will throw open the gates to eternity.
What makes a showbiz star different to the girl next door, a luminary of science different to the timid student and the chosen ones different from the rank and file? The answer is ‘one single step’. There are those who have been bold enough to claim their right and there are others who are still procrastinating and do not believe that they are capable or worthy. The firm conviction holds in the minds of the timid that the chosen ones exist because all the rest have chosen them on account of their having some exceptionally outstanding quality. In reality, this is a false stereotype. The chosen ones choose themselves. It is only after taking this step and because of it that others notice them. Claim the right to be a chosen one. Say to yourself: «From this moment on, I choose myself». It is not that you have the right because you are worthy and capable. You have it, the right, as a matter of course. The variants space contains everything including something that is intended for you personally — your verdict that you have this right. This is your pass to Eternity. It sanctions the privilege to create your own reality.
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