47. Co-dependent Relationships
If you think that the world is against you, think: to what object or item do you attach excessively important significance? If you attract everything you hate, if you are haunted by everything that irritates you, and if everything that is most undesirable happens to you after all, then it is because you are gripping the world by the throat and it is resisting, trying to break free. The more you insist on your own desires and claims, the stronger the magnet that attracts the opposite. Relax your grip. Let the world do whatever it likes. Give yourself permission to be yourself and allow others to be different. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Don’t get too attached to anything. Accept things with grace and let them go with grace.
When any quality is attributed excessive importance, excess potential is created, which distorts the surrounding energetic environment. Excess potential is not necessarily a problem, as long as the distorted evaluation exists relative only to itself. As soon as the artificially inflated value of one object is positioned in comparative relationship to another, polarisation arises which functions as a magnet for trouble. Dependent relationships are created between people when they start comparing themselves to one another, compartmentalising and placing conditions like: «If you are this, then I am that». This is why trouble creeps into our lives so intrusively, as if on purpose. You can see for example, how totally incompatible individuals marry as if they were trying to punish one other. In any team, there will always be that one person you find particularly irritating. Murphy’s law or what we would call ‘sod’s law’ is the same principle at work. All conflict is based on comparison and opposition. Draw your own conclusions.
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