72. The Unique Soul
You are a truly unique individual. Your uniqueness is beyond competition. Claim the right to your originality and you will have a huge advantage over others who follow more well-trodden trends and paths. Trying to be like him (or her) never works. Be yourself. Indulge yourself that luxury. If you put on the mask of an existing star, you will only ever be a copy or a parody. No one ever became a star by copying someone else. You will succeed when you stop trying to be like other people; You will succeed when you stop repeating the experience of others; You will succeed when you acknowledge the splendour of your own individuality. Then others will have no choice but to concur.
The fact that you deserve the best and that you are capable of anything has been hidden from you very carefully. People will tell you that you are naive to believe that you have unlimited capabilities but in fact, the opposite is true. You are capable of creating a fabulous masterpiece, making ingenious discoveries, achieving outstanding results in sports, business, and any other professional activity. All you have to do is turn to your heart. The heart has access to all knowledge, creation and achievement. The task is to allow yourself to be yourself. What have the masks you wear ever done to help you achieve success, abundance or happiness? There is no point in changing yourself. That would be just another mask. If you get rid of the masks imposed on you by destructive pendulums, the treasure hidden in your soul will be revealed. You truly deserve the best because you are a truly extraordinary, miraculous creation. Just allow yourself to be it.
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