9. The Sigh of Relief
Transurfing is pretty much impossible unless you have relatively high energy levels. As a rule, much of our energy goes on a whole gamut of unrealised plans, which are weighing us down. Goals activate the energy of intention but only if the goal is already in the process of being realised and not a project that just hangs in limbo. It is important either to discard a number of your potential plans or to take steps towards their implementation. Let yourself go. Give yourself more freedom. Make a list of the limitations that are burdening you and shake them off. When you do list, reserves of intention energy will instantly be freed and you will be able to move forward.
Many people go through life, loaded on all sides with the burden of endless responsibilities, unfinished business, harsh conditions, unfulfilled plans and umpteen goals. Take a moment to feel what is weighing you down. If you think about it, you will probably find that you can let go of several lead weights without an ounce of regret. There is no point in constantly dragging them around with you if you can’t realise them all. For example, “I have to be better than everyone else; I’ll prove to myself and everyone else what I am worth; all I need is victory, otherwise, I’ll stop being able to respect myself; I can’t afford to make mistakes”. And there are others like, stop smoking, learn a foreign language and basically, turn over a new leaf for my entire life on Monday morning. Anything that is endlessly put off until later is excess cargo. An intention must either be realised or discarded because it consumes your energy, which it would be stupid to waste. Is there one big lead weight which you have secretly been thinking of getting rid of but have not yet quite built up the courage to take the step? Imagine how light and relieved you will feel when you have done it.
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