41. The Habit of Remembering
In order to find a way out of a difficult situation, you have to first recall that it originated as a consequence of amplified importance. A non-lucid dream, in which the events of the dream occur irrespective of your will, only has total control over you because you are unaware of the fact that you are dreaming. It is exactly the same in waking life. Until you become aware of the fact that you have allowed your mind to become totally immersed in a problem, circumstances will continue to control you. Stop. Shake off the delusion and remember that reality is a lucid dream, one you can control. Once you have woken up, practice Transurfing in your waking dream.
When you are floundering in inflated inner or outer importance, the most difficult thing is to return to awareness in the right moment. For this purpose,you need the Keeper, the inner observer, who keeps a constant eye on your level of awareness. Of course, it is hard to keep yourself in hand when you feel like going ballistic. Pendulums are like vampires. They use a kind of anesthesia i.e. your habit of falling asleep when you react negatively to an irritant. Even now, after having read these lines it may only be a matter of minutes before you get distracted, and take an unwanted phone call in an irritable tone of voice. Try to «wake up» several times during the day, look around you with a clear head, and understand that it is all a dream, and that you have been sleeping, not consciously aware of what you were doing. The habit of remembering is developed through consistent practice. Until being consciously aware becomes a habit, pendulums will do everything they can to get to you. Don’t be dismayed. Overall, this will manifest itself as minor problems. Don’t give in. Learn to remember and you will be victorious, you’ll see.
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