8. The Pink Twins
There are many corners of paradise in the world inhabited by ‘Pink Twins’. If you want to go to one of these places, put on your ‘rose-coloured glasses’ and ignore everyone who tells you to remove them. The echoes of paradise rarely penetrate into everyday life. When they do, catch hold of those ‘sun dogs’ and keep them in your focus. They will start to appear in your life more frequently and then you will see for yourself how the layer of your world begins unexpectedly to transform.
Have you ever seen it rain on a sunny day? What about two rainbows in the sky? Have you ever crossed paths with twins in pink? It is important to understand one simple thing. Whether you decorate your world in bright, rainbow colours or the darkest of shades depends entirely on your relationship to it. If the majority of your thoughts are related to negative experiences, life will get worse as each day goes by. The opposite is also true. If your soul ‘sings in the rain’ and ‘splashes in the puddles’ even when the weather is bad, the layer of your world will be filed with constant celebration. Heaven and hell do not exist somewhere out there in another dimension but here on Earth. There are places like prisons, for example, but that is not where you are; that’s not your world, and yet it could become your world if you focus your attention on criminal information. Then there are events like accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters; these too could become part of your reality if you start internalising the news reports. Focus your attention deliberately and solely on the things you want to see in your world. Turn away from everything else. Close your eyes and ears to it all. Evil will never disappear from reality altogether, but it can vanish from your layer of the world. You will simply stop encountering negativity.
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