14. Love Yourself
If you don’t love yourself, no one else will, and what’s more, you will never be happy. Any conflict between the heart and mind reflects negatively on a person’s appearance and character. Correspondingly, the shades of your personal world will turn ever darker. Above all, love yourself, and only then pay attention to the positive qualities of others. It is important to feel and understand the following: pendulums force you to change, to turn away from your heart and follow the rule that states, ‘they are better than you, so do what they do, be like them, take your place in the matrix, be nothing more than a cog.’ In reality, you are unique. Go inside, accept yourself as you really are, and assert the right to be right. Then you will have something of which you can be proud and a reason to respect yourself.
Once a person has gone a long way down the road of conforming to other people’s standards, it is difficult for them to start suddenly loving themselves. “How can I love myself if I don’t even like myself?” This is pure excess potential born of inflated inner and outer importance. It is outer importance in that you perceive someone else’s standards as the epitome of perfection. Are you not perhaps valuing other people’s qualities too highly? Inner importance is present in forcing yourself to follow other people’s standards. Who says that you are any less worthy than they are? Is your self-esteem perhaps a little too low? To love yourself, kick outer importance off the pedestal and give up the idol worship. Who is stopping you from setting your own standards? Let others chase after you instead! Drop your own inner importance and let yourself go. Give yourself the luxury of having shortcomings and focus your attention on your strengths.
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