26. Wave of Success
Perhaps sometimes you feel inspired and on top of the world but then the daily grind brings you back down again. How do you hang on to that feeling that life is a song full of happiness, a celebration? First and foremost, you have to remember how that feels. Keep the sparkle of that feeling of celebration alive and cherish it. Notice your life changing for the better. Grasp at any straw of joy, look for auspicious signs in everything. Never forget, not even for a moment, that you are following a course in Transurfing, consciously going after your dreams, and that means, shaping your destiny. This alone is enough to give you peace of mind, confidence and joy, which means that you are being the magical song of happiness in your life. When feeling wonderful becomes a habit, you will find yourself permanently on the crest of a wave of success.
Be happy and grateful for everything you have in this moment. This is no empty call to be happy by default. Sometimes when circumstances stack up against you, it is very difficult to be content but from a purely practical point of view, there is simply no benefit in expressing dissatisfaction. Don’t take bad news to heart. If you don’t let it into your heart, you’ll keep it out of your life. Close the door on bad news and open up to good news. It is really important to take note of the smallest sign of positive change and nurture it carefully. When your relationship with yourself and the world around you is good, a field of harmonious vibration surrounds you, and everything inside it goes well. A positive attitude always leads to creativity and success.
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