78. Guardian Angel
If you are having a hard time and have no one to lean on, create yourself a guardian angel. If you believe in your guardian angel, they will exist and the opposite is also true. If you don’t believe in your guardian angel, they won’t exist. The very thought that there is a being who looks after you and you alone helps give you a balanced feeling of confidence. Never take offence at your angel, to say nothing of getting angry with them. You have no idea what misfortune your angel is doing its utmost to protect you from. Celebrate your successes but don’t forget to thank your guardian angel and remind your angel that you love them. This will make your angel stronger and they will reward you handsomely.
Is it true that every person has their own guardian angel? That is for you to decide. You create your own reality. As long as you believe in angels, yours will exist as an energetic entity, and if you are convinced that your angel is looking after you, then that will be true. Pagans who worshipped all sorts of invented gods and fetishes were no fools. You can picture your guardian angel as taking any form. Of itself, it does not look like anything. You give it form with your imagination. So imagine your angel taking the guise you feel comfortable with. If you feel lonely, share your feelings with your angel. If you are dealing with some misfortune or even cause for joy, share this with your angel too. The more sincerely you love your angel and express your gratitude for all kinds of little things, the more powerful it will become and the more help it can give you. Remember, there is no such thing as a fantasy. Any invention of the mind is already a reality.
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