71. Polar Comparisons
Constantly comparing yourself to others leads to an inferiority complex in the case that you undervalue your worth and a superiority complex if you overestimate your worth. Both are equally monstrous. Be aware that pendulums force you to compare yourself to certain standards because it is to their advantage that everyone walk abreast in a single formation. Turn your ‘non-normality’ into self-sufficiency. Claim the right not to be the same as everyone else. Smash the pendulum rule: «Be like me, and do as I do». Always observe the Transurfing rule instead: «Give yourself permission to be you and allow others to be different». When you do fall out of line, the pendulum will follow you as if you were the new normal.
Don’t imagine that everyone else around you attributes as much significance to your shortcomings and strengths as you do. In reality, everyone is concerned with their own persona, so you can boldly shake this titanic burden from your shoulders. The artificial need to be ‘fabulous’ very often pushes people to copy others who have already achieved this title. Mindlessly copying someone else’s script will create nothing more than a parody. Everyone has their own script. All you have to do is choose your personal credo and then walk your talk. In any group, the leaders are always the ones who live true to their own credo. They become leaders because they have freed themselves from the responsibility of consulting others on the matter of how they should behave. Leaders have no need to imitate anyone. They simply know their worth and know what to do. They don’t try to curry favour and they have nothing to prove. When you come to know your own worth, everyone else around you will automatically do the same.
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