35. Dropping Importance
All unbalanced emotions and reactions like indignation, dissatisfaction, irritation, anxiety, worry, depression, confusion, despair, fear, pity, dependency, lust, over-sensitivity, idealisation, admiration, delight, disappointment, pride, conceit, contempt, repulsion, resentment, and so on, are all the result of overstating the importance of things. Pendulums hook you up on these strings and turn you into a puppet. Dropping importance does not mean battling with your feelings and trying to suppress them. It means addressing the cause, the underlying attitude. You have to reach the point where you can see that importance leads to nothing but trouble. Then, deliberately reduce the importance you attribute to things.
Problems as such do not actually exist. All that really exists is an artificially inflated evaluation of the importance of things. When a person becomes aware that their problems are illusory, they can intentionally reduce the importance of everything that continuously troubles them. Note: Do not play down their meaning, just reduce their importance. Watch the game from a distance, soberly and impartially. By reducing importance, you will instantly return to a state of balance and the pendulums won’t be able to control you. In the empty space you free up, there will be nothing for them to hook. This does not mean that you have to have a heart of stone. Emotions are born of our attitude and so it is our attitude which should be changed. Feelings and emotions are just an effect. Importance is the only cause. Let’s say that in my family there has been a birth, a death, a wedding or some other significant event. Would the event be important to me? No. Would I be indifferent? Likewise, no. Do you get the difference? I would not publicise the event into a problem or drive myself and others around me mad because of it. A strong deviation towards outer importance breeds fanatics and deviation towards inner importance, idiots.
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