46. Doors
Your door is the path that will lead you to your goal. Keep running your goal slide through your mind and, sooner or later, outer intention will reveal opportunities to you i.e. your doors. If you get tired, suffer huge energy loss and exhaust yourself on the path to your goal, you’ve gone through a door that isn’t yours. I am not saying that it will be easy but if you feel spiritually uplifted and inspired then you can be sure that what you are doing is your door. Everything that you do easily, gracefully and with enthusiasm will have meaning and value. Any small thing you do that is characteristic of your personality, even if it is totally valueless in the context of set stereotypes, could be the key to your door. Try projecting your characteristic, ‘frivolous’ child-like quality onto grown up doors.
Pendulums have taught people to do what they have to and to accept their lot. People become so accustomed to what has to be done that the true inclinations of their soul are pushed away into the furthest corners of their conscious mind for better times ahead. But life comes to an end and the better times never come. Happiness always looms somewhere in the future. The false stereotype asserts that if this future is to be your present, it has to be fought for, earned and finally achieved. People often stop doing what they love for financial reasons. Their activities are divided into hobbies and the real work, which gives them an income. In reality, you can earn money from a hobby if that is your goal. In this world, everything that is done with soul, is very expensive. Yet the false stereotype of forced necessity prevents people from completely devoting themselves to their goal. They will slog their guts out for some other geezer for most of their life because it is supposedly, what they have to do to exist. The soul gets a few crumbs left over after the main working day. So for whom does a person live? For some old geezer?
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