31. The Oyster Effect
People tend to gladly express an attitude of discontent, when they feel they have good cause to and yet respond almost indifferently, when something good happens, almost as if they take that for granted. Overall, people are not conscious of this tendency. They are reacting like an oyster, out of habit. Now step up a notch from the oyster. Wake up and make use of the advantage of consciously expressing your relationship to life. “I choose the colours for my personal reality with intention. Irrespective of the circumstances, I attune myself to a major key. I do this consciously rather than reacting in a primitive way to external irritants.” By controlling the pattern of your thoughts, you control reality. If you don’t, reality will control you.
The tendency to negativity generates all kinds of icky features in the mirror, and then your personal world is painted in gloomy colours and filled with unpleasant events.When a person is depressed, the storm clouds gather all the faster in the mirror reflection. As soon as a person takes an aggressive stance, the world responds by bristling its fur. You may have noticed that when you argue with someone, sharply expressing your position, some other unpleasant event seems to appear out of left field. The more irritated you get, the more insistently trouble sinks its claws into you, the more everything around you starts getting under your skin. What matters, is what you are thinking about, not how you are thinking about it. Whether you like the reflection or not, it is still the subject of your thoughts: «Leave me alone!» or «I’ve so had enough of all this!» The only thing that matters is the content of your thoughts. As a result, the reflection in the mirror is dominated with things that correspond to the content of the image (your thoughtform). When you take control of the emotions that keep you so attached to the reflection, you free yourself from the mirror. There is no point in trying to suppress your emotions. Your feelings are just a symptom of your relationship to what’s going on. You have to change your attitude, how you perceive and respond to reality. When you have freed yourself from attachment to the mirror, then you will acquire the ability to create the reflection you want to see.
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