76. Comfort Zone
People are free to choose whatever they want; it is just that not many believe that it is theirs to do so.
If you feel unsure of yourself when you are trying on wealth, fame and giddy success for size, it is clearly still out of your comfort zone. If it isn’t in your comfort zone, it will never be yours. However, you can expand the zone. Create a mental slide of your goal and hold it permanently in sight. Return to the mental picture you have drawn again and again. Relish the details, add new elements to the picture, and learn to see yourself in a different way. You deserve the very best. It is all realistic. There are no constraints. The limits are all in your mind.
Positive slides can help introduce the incredible into your comfort zone. When you stop feeling waves of uneasiness from the thought that your dream might be accessible to you, doubts will cease and belief will be transformed into knowledge. The heart will come into harmony with the mind and you will feel the resolve to have. It is pointless trying to persuade the heart; the heart does not discourse, it simply knows. The heart cannot be persuaded but it can be trained. It has to get used to the new comfort zone. Don’t worry if you still feel unsure and don’t see how your goal can be realised. Continue systematically visualising the slide. When the goal is completely integrated into your comfort zone, outer intention will open the door to the world of your dreams. This is a fortress taken by lengthy siege.
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