32. The Master’s Intention
Using your willpower, you declare any event or circumstance favourable and to your advantage. This affirmation is not merely based on hope in the goodwill of the world, which takes care of you because it loves you. It is not derived from trust or confidence, which circumstances can cause to crumble at any moment nor is it born of the arrogance of blind faith in your own success. It is not even based on optimism. It is the Master’s intention. You are creating the individual layer of your world and you are the master of your personal reality. You are a Master of reality if you can ‘move yourself’ at the same time as leaving the world free to move.
The Master is not so much an active figure as a witness. Rather than leading, you allow. That is what makes the Master’s intention different. When you look in the mirror, don’t try to move the reflection, move the image instead, your attitude and the focus of your thoughts. In other words, ‘move yourself’ rather than trying to grab hold of the reflection. If you interpret ‘intention’ as the determination to demand from the world whatever you think it owes you, you will be left with nothing. If you ask the world for what you want, you will still be left with nothing. All you have to do is place your order and allow the world to process it for you. You stop the world from working on your order because you demand, petition, fear, and doubt. Therefore, the world also demands, asks, fears and doubts. It reflects your relationship to life impeccably; after all, it is only a mirror. You have to really feel this truth. Let the world go, allow it to be a comfortable place for you to be, right now. This fragile, fleeting feeling will pass quickly, so you have to hold on to it. Imagine for a moment an incredible thing. Your hostile, problematic, difficult and uncomfortable world has suddenly been transformed into a joyous, comfortable life. You give it permission to be that way. It is up to you to decide. The secret to this power lies in releasing your grip.
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