13. The Charismatic Soul
What is the secret of charismatic personalities? They throw the negative slides out of their mind and replace them with positive ones. Charm is a result of the mutual love that exists between the heart and the mind. A charming personality experiences a feeling of joy in their soul; they enjoy life and bathe in their own love without the slightest hint of narcissism. It is this feeling of joy that other people notice. There are not many people like this but you can become one of them. You just have to turn to face your heart, love yourself and step onto the path towards your own personal goal. Not only do certain personal qualities then change but the body becomes more attractive too, the face more appealing and one’s smile, absolutely dazzling.
The secret to attractiveness lies in the unity of heart and mind. When a person accepts themselves as they really are, loves themselves and does what they love doing, they radiate an inner light and live their life true to their own credo. This is precisely what people lack and that is why they are drawn to charismatic individuals, like moths to a light bulb. On an energetic level, charm represents pure waves of unity of heart and mind. By training your energy, you develop the extraordinary ability to influence others around you and win them over. A person who has an abundance of free energy generates interest and goodwill in others. If you find it difficult to love yourself unconditionally, start doing an energy field workout by affirming the thought form, “I am spilling over with energy. The intensity of my energy levels is increasing. I have a powerful energy field and it becomes more powerful every day. I shine with the energy of love and charm. I am a pure energy source. People sense my energy field and are well disposed towards me”. When you notice people genuinely feeling drawn towards you, don’t forget to tell yourself that the technique is actually working. The rational mind needs to hear you affirming it because it is constantly in doubt: “Can I really be capable of that?”
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