48. The Search for Love


There is no need to go searching for love. Love will find you. To meet your other half, systematically run a slide in which you imagine your life together with some abstract individual who represents your ideal. At a certain point, a door will open and he or she will appear. From then on it will be up to you. You have to go through the door, take the first step, letting go of blind pride and any sort of prejudice. Take this step simply and sincerely without masquerade or affectation. Unaffectedness is always compelling. Likewise, always be yourself. Don’t try and change who you really are under any circumstances. Stay true to your own credo. Then the dual mirror will stay free of crooked distortion.


A romantic slide should contain an abstract person who represents your ideal. You should only include a person you already know in your slide in the extreme case that no other means of finding requited love is open to you. In principle, you can run a slide in which you are both together and love each other. This is a script of a kind and so consequently, it will exist in the variants space but the other person concerned is not a passive object. They are a living being who is also actively realising their intention. You might have some success with the slide but it won’t be very effective because no living person is stationary in the variants space. They are always hurrying about. Whilst you are busy ‘sliding’ the other person will quickly find for themselves a more ‘grounded’ partner. What’s more, the soul of the person who is being ‘slided’ will feel it happening and if they don’t like it, they may subconsciously begin to experience a feeling of aversion towards you. The best way of going about things is not to take the risk at all and arm yourself with the Frailing principle. Interpersonal relationships are the one case when you are forced to communicate with another living being rather than hanging about dreaming with your head in the clouds.

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