40. With the Variants Flow
Try to keep in balance with the outside world and trust the unfolding of the variants flow. Let go. Stop being the participant. Become the objective observer. Make it a rule that you always do things in the simplest way possible. When you have to solve a problem, ask yourself, «What is the simplest way of doing this?» If something does not go according to plan, let your grip go and accept the matter of an unforeseen alteration to your script. If someone offers you something, don’t be too quick to refuse. If someone gives you a piece of advice, try mulling it over. When you hear a different opinion, don’t be in too much of a hurry to enter into debate. If you think someone is going about something in the wrong way, let them. People take their own initiative. Allow them to realise their intentions. The variants flow is a sumptuous gift for the mind.
The mind is always busy developing its plan of further action. The mind is certain that it will weigh up everything and find the best possible way forward. Yet a plan already exists in the variants space. The information structure is arranged in a chain of cause and effect relationships. These relationships generate the variants flow, which arranges events simply and effectively. People are used to having to overcome obstacles and row against the current. Searching for complex solutions to simple problems becomes a habit. Nature does the opposite, always following the path of least resistance wasting no energy. For example, why does it often happen that after searching the entire region for a particular item you eventually find it right under your very nose? If you stay away from trouble and stop pushing against the variants flow, the solution will come of its own accord, and what is more, it will be the ideal solution.
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