3. Child of God
There is a small particle of God in every one of us. You are a child of God and your life is God’s dream. By shaping your own reality with the power of intention, you fulfil God’s will. Your intention is God’s intention. As this is the case, how can you doubt that your intention will be realised? All it takes is to claim the right. When you ask God for something, it is just the same as if God had asked something of himself. Can God really ask something of his or her self? Is there any one person alive from whom God would ask for something for himself or herself? God just takes what he (she) wants. Do not ask, demand or strive. Shape your own reality by way of conscious intention.
The world is a theatre of dreams in which God is simultaneously a member of the audience, an actor, a scriptwriter, and a producer. As a member of the audience, God observes the play that is unfolding on the stage of the world. As an actor, God feels and experiences everything in the same way as the character whose role he (she) is playing. God creates and controls reality through the intention of all living things. God placed a part of his will together with the soul in every living being and then sent them out into the dream, into life. God gave every living soul the freedom and power to create their own reality by the measure of their awareness. Practically all living beings omit to use the power of intention consciously and with clear purpose. In a state of non-lucid dreaming, it is as if they are vaguely aware of wanting something without really knowing what exactly. Their intentions are therefore blurred, vague and mostly unconscious. In this respect, man has developed little more than animals. The pendulums have not only succeeded in taking away people’s awareness of their own abilities, they have perverted the very meaning of life, replacing the notion of being used of God, with worship, whereas in fact, the true goal of life and the idea of service of God consists in co-creation, creation together with God.
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