12. Balance
When you find yourself in balance and harmony with the world around you, your life runs smoothly and pleasantly. You achieve your goals without any particular effort. Yet, when you build walls of excess potential, life becomes a battle with balancing forces. When you are faced with a difficult situation, try and recognise where you have gone over the top, what you have become obsessed with, and to what person or thing you might have attributed excessive significance. Define your worth and then let it go. The wall will come tumbling down, the obstacle will remove itself and the problem will be solved of its own accord. Do not try to overcome obstacles. Instead, drop their importance.
Everything in life strives towards balance. Wherever there is excess energetic potential, balancing forces appear with the purpose of eliminating it. When you perceive something as being excessively significant, you get the opposite result to what you intended. For example, when you are critical of yourself you come into conflict with your soul. Balancing forces make you struggle with your shortcomings and try to hide them, as a result of which, they stand out even more. When you are critical of the world, you confront a large number of pendulums. Balancing forces will aim to cut you down to size and push you away. As well as dropping importance, don’t push too hard. Reducing outer importance does not mean to disdain things or underestimate them. It is more about not taking life so seriously. Do not disregard things in life, but don’t paint them in a saccharine veneer either. Accept the world for what it is. Reducing inner importance is nothing at all like being submissive or self-abasing. Do not embellish or belittle your own strengths and weaknesses. Just give yourself the luxury of being yourself.
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