15. I Am My Goal
If you have been ditched and are suffering from unrequited love or if you are looking for love, you must, first of all, love yourself. If you do not yet feel that you can love yourself just as you are, start taking care of yourself and focusing on your own personal development: enrol at a sports centre, commit to studying a foreign language, try dressing differently, not in your usual style, get a magic tattoo, find a magic talisman - a pendant or ring. When you start taking care of yourself, you will find a new sense of purpose. Looking after yourself could become your goal if you have not already found one. This is a truly worthy goal and it will bring you success and abundance. You deserve the very best.
It is human nature that people are only pleased with themselves when other people happen to be pleased with them and that they only love themselves when others love them. And yet, the world is a mirror. How can there be love in the reflection if the image itself does not contain it? The mirror cannot reflect what isn’t there. It’s a vicious mirror circle. So, how do you break it? Very simply. Firstly, it is a well-known fact that we love the people we take care of. So, pay more attention to yourself, take care of yourself, take some ‘me time’. Secondly, love is like a boomerang. If you send love out into the world, it will come back to you. You will experience love, including love for yourself if you shine with love instead of emanating fear, mistrust, and disapproval. If you take the first step, the reflection will meet you half way. It is basically a feedback chain: I send love out to the world – love is reflected and comes back to me – the world reciprocates – I am loved – it follows that I like myself too and begin to love myself.
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