58. Self-sufficiency


The fact remains that you have colossal potential even if you cannot see it. You are capable of doing anything; it is just that no one has told you that yet. Accept as a fundamental truth the fact that your soul can do anything and then give yourself permission to make the most of it. Stop looking for truth in sources outside yourself. Take a good look inside and there you will find the answers to all your questions. ‘Looking inside’ is not an abstraction. Simply ask yourself a question and dare to answer it yourself. By connecting to the corresponding sector in the variants space, you are quite capable of making a discovery, building something new or creating a masterpiece. Stop looking at established authorities. They turned to the same source in their own time. Now it is your turn.


Do you enjoy the works of geniuses of art, science, business, sport, variety, and cinema? You can become one of them. The reason you enjoy works of a genius is that they are born of the soul. Others will enjoy your creation also, but only if it originates in your unique soul. Everything mediocre and ordinary is created by the mind. Creations of the mind, like the mind itself, are never unique. Only your soul is unique. You possess a real treasure. Any brilliant creation you produce can only be born from your soul. Let your mind allow she to create. You just have to stop being distracted by other people’s experience and stereotypical standards. Create your own. When faced with literally any kind of problem, shape the question and give yourself time to find the answer. You will see, the answer will come of itself (it already exists in the variants space). Your task is to hold the intention of coming up with it on your own. There is just one requirement: in order to ‘attune yourself’ to the necessary sector in the variants space, you have to have certain basic skills and knowledge in that area. Beyond that, just be very attentive to the voice of your heart, which is trying to communicate with you in the language of intuition.

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