28. Creating an Image
In order for a thought form to become rooted in physical reality, it has to be reproduced systematically. You might not have thought that the process could be so mundane. It is just ordinary, routine work, nothing to do with magic at all, and yet, it really works. Mostly, people just don’t have the patience to keep at it. They experience a surge of enthusiasm when they are first lit up with an idea but as a rule, their excitement quickly fades. For a goal slide to become manifest in physical reality, you have to run it in your thoughts for a fairly long time. There is no such thing as miracles. It comes down to the concrete work involved in shaping reality.
As long as the rational mind is not fighting against the dictates of the heart, the unfathomable power of outer intention will emerge and materialise the sector of the variants space that most closely corresponds to your thought form. When the soul and the mind are united, the image takes on sharp contours and manifests instantly. The world literally agrees with your thoughts about it. So why is it, that as a rule, our worst expectations are justified and our hopes and dreams never come true? In life, what mostly happens is that the mind doubts whatever the soul strives towards and refuses to bring it into play. Or it is the other way around: the mind makes a compelling case for its own project but the heart is indifferent. When unity between heart and mind is lost, the image becomes blurry and appears to split. The heart wants one thing; the mind insists on another. When this happens, they can only fully agree on one thing: resentment and fear. So what can be done? The matter involved in material realisation is inert like resin. A fortress can only be taken by long siege. If you really want to achieve your goal, visualise the slide regularly.
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