75. Money
Above all, start moving towards your goal and then money will follow on automatically, as an accompanying attribute. If you are not on your own true path yet, remember this rule: “Don’t think about the fact that you don’t have enough money. Think about having money.” Concentrate on the fact that you have money. It doesn’t matter how much. The important thing is that you have it and that soon you will have more of it. Receive money with love and joy and let go of it easily. Don’t scrimp and save. The more you scrimp, the less you will have. Likewise, don’t accumulate large sums of money without saving for something, in particular, otherwise, you will lose it. Create movement. Funds flow through a pipe, not through a reservoir.
When a ‘have-not’ stands at a shop counter, they count every penny wondering how to economise, spend as stingily as possible and constantly complaining about how expensive everything is. Their thoughts are focused on one thing: there is never enough money. This thought pattern is manifested in physical reality. How could it be otherwise? They are standing in front of a mirror. Don’t think about the money you don’t have. Think about the money you do have. You will always find something in your purse. If you don’t have the funds for a certain purchase right now, do not spend time regretting it. Just put it off until later. You know that the funds will soon appear. This way you create the corresponding image, which will gradually become reflected in reality.
There is another powerful ritual you can use. Collect all the small, abandoned coins you can find, particularly the rusty ones that no one else bothers to pick up and place them carefully in a small box repeating the thought form: “You are home now, dear coins. I will look after you and you will call money to me. I take care of money and money loves me and comes to me.” Try it and see.
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