65. Pessimism
When a person looks at their reflection in the mirror and sees traits they don’t like, they focus their attention on them and express their negative relationship towards them in an automatic response. As a result, everything becomes worse than it was previously. The mirror reflection of reality slowly darkens and pales together with the thought form. Their world loses its former freshness of colour and becomes increasingly bleak and miserable. Stop picking at the things that irritate you and they will cease to annoy you. Stop looking for problems. Search for solutions. Finally, stop whining. Once you have changed your relationship to life, you will start to experience the solid feeling that everything is unfolding as it should and that things can only get better. Everything will turn out as it should.
The tendency to express pessimistic expectations is quite unattractive to others. The attitude of ‘there’s no point; nothing will come of it anyway’ is a form of sadomasochism. The pessimist derives a perverse satisfaction from wallowing in their sorry lot: “Everything is so bad, it simply couldn’t get any worse. It serves them right and me too!” The loser tends to state their unenviable position with the same fatal doom, «Life is totally dark and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.» People with this kind of attitude dislike their fate so much that they put all their mental energy into complaining about it and lamenting their lot. Yet what else can the mirror possibly reflect if the image opposite it expresses nothing but discontent. As the image, “I am unhappy, I don’t want this!”, so the reflection: “Yes, you are unhappy, and no, you don’t want this”. The mirror reflects the fact, nothing more, nothing less. And because this is so, the number of reasons to be dissatisfied with life increases which in turn worsens that person’s relationship to the world. Therefore, the former favourite transforms into a mere grouch, deprived by their own fate and constantly complaining about how much the world owes them. It is sad to see it. People don’t understand that they spoil things themselves.
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