74. The Greedy Soul
What makes a person one of the elite? The answer? Their own unique path. As soon as you go your own way, the treasures of the world will be revealed to you and then others will look at you and wonder how you do it. Have the audacity not to give a damn about stereotypes; Have the audacity to believe in the limitless possibilities of the soul; Have the audacity to claim the right to your own great personality. If the mind will allow it, the soul will find a way to realise your dream. Don’t be too shy to go the whole hog and order anything you want. Be realistic, demand the impossible.
Whatever goal you set for yourself, it will be difficult to achieve within the context of a rational world-view. The stereotype of the unachievable goal is the most rigid of all. The mind will ask, «How do I achieve it?» That is when your heart needs to say, «Be quiet, that’s not your concern. We are choosing a toy!» When you are at the threshold of making a choice, limitations should be of no concern to you whatsoever. Did you want to have a boat? What about having your own yacht? Did you want to have a flat? What about your own mansion? Did you want to be head of department? What about being president of the corporation? Did you want to buy a cheap plot of land and build your own house? What about having your own island in the Mediterranean? Did you want to work a lot to earn a lot of money? How about not working at all and living for your own pleasure? The list of ‘what about’s’ could go on forever. You cannot imagine how modest your requests are in comparison to what you could have if you went after your own personal goal through your own personal door.
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